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与 七度 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At last,based on the traditional cluster-cluster aggregation model we introduce acritical cluster size and a breakup exponent that depends on the fragment sizes in thereversible and irreversible cluster-cluster aggregation processes.


Heat, a mode of motion developed by such combustion, was constantly and increasingly conveyed from the source of calorification to the liquid contained in the vessel, being radiated through the uneven unpolished dark surface of the metal iron, in part reflected, in part absorbed, in part transmitted, gradually raising the temperature of the water from normal to boiling point, a rise in temperature expressible as the result of an expenditure of 72 thermal units needed to raise 1 pound of water from 50 degrees to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.


Based on the method of the Third structure, the writer analyzed Bartok way to build up the work kernel motive from the simple relation of the third, then to establish three pitch combinations to control the whole piece: heptachord collection, octachord collection and the twelve-tone collection.

文章将立足于三度结构手法,分析巴托克如何从简单的三度关系建立起乐曲的核心动机,然后借助动机建立控制全曲的三种音高组合――七音音阶组合、八音音阶组合及十二音组合(twelve-tone collection),再依靠不同音阶组合建立了段落结构,由小至大、由表及里,创作了这首弦乐四重奏的核心乐章。

All of you should notice that the subdominant chord in one key is the tonika in the key below, and that the dominant is the tonika in the key above.


And the author summarized the main identifiable features at the genera level. Some pictures of new reported species have been drawn. In the thesis, the author studied its geographical elements, compared the species abundance, the generic similarity coefficient, the phytogeographical elrments,and analyzed the floristic spectrum using the method of Principal Component Analysis . According to the comparison between the area of Pangquangou Nature Reserve and other 8 areas, The abundance of the bryophytes of Pangquangou Nature Reserve lower than the other 8 area.


Seven V-Cut geometrical parameters were selected, including the amount of incidence side V-Cut, angle of incidence side V-Cut, interspacing of incidence side V-Cut, depth of incidence side V-Cut, angle of bottom side V-Cut, interspacing of bottom side V-Cut, and depth of bottom side V-Cut. The luminance value (large-the-best) and uniformity (nominal-the-best) of optical characteristics were analyzed.


GB5903-95 of the L-CKC, viscosity grade by 40 ℃ kinematic viscosity into 68,100,150,220,320,460,680 total of seven grades.


Through determination of Braberder viscosity curve of chestnut starch geletinization,the effects of food additives,such as sucrose,salt,glyceryl monostearale,carboxy methycellulose,potassium alum,etc.

通过对板栗淀粉糊粘度曲线测定,研究蔗糖、食盐、单甘酯、NaH2 PO4 、KAl(SO4 ) 2 、CMC、黄原胶七种食品添加剂及pH值对板栗淀粉糊粘度特性的影响。

Electrical equipment test equipment General Wire tester, plug wire bending test machine, wire thermostat ball pressure testing machine, 90 peel strength test machine, plug wire pull testing machine penetration resistance, combustion testing machine, plug-line static tensile testing machine can be flexibility around the wire testing machine, wire print fastness testing machine, wire elongation testing machine, testing machine drum plugs, standard light boxes.


Article 3. For the purpose of these Regulations, the term Yangtze River Waterway shall mean the main waterway extending from the line joining Liuheiwu (31 Degree 30 52 N, 121 Degree 18 54 E) at the lower reaches of the Estuary of the Liu River, and the signal post (31 Degree 37 34 N, 121 Degree 22 30 E) at the lower reaches of the Estuary of the Shiqiao River, Congming Island, and upwards to the upper boundary of Zhangjiagang (a line joining point 31 Degree 59 35 N, 120 Degree 20 00 E and point 31 Degree 57 13 N, 120 Degree 20 00 E).

第三条 本规定所说的长江水域,是指自浏河口下游的浏黑屋(北纬三十一度三十分五十二秒、东经一百二十一度十八分五十四秒)与崇明岛施翘河口下游的施信杆(北纬三十一度三十七分三十四秒、东经一百二十一度二十二分三十秒)联线沿长江向上至张家港上界(北纬三十一度五十九分三十五秒、东经一百二十度二十分与北纬三十一度五十七分十三秒、东经一百二十度二十分联线)之间的干线水域。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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