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与 七十个 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr. Ying Yuandao ever summarized the discussions on the Christianity Localization Movement in China in the 1920s, and held that the so-called localized Christian churches should have the following characteristics:"First, churches of the Chinese; Second, set up according to the experiences of the Chinese Christians; Third, with rich quality of Chinese culture; Fourth, combine Christianity and Chinese culture into a whole; Fifth, suits the spirits and psychology of the Chinese People; Sixth, enables the religious life and experience of the Chinese Christians to be adapted to Chinese customs"1. In the 1960s, Japanese scholar Sumiko Yamamoto made more detailed summarization for the definition of the Localization Movement of the Churches in China in her article "The Independent Movement of Christianity in China in the 1920s":"First, churches are formed of Chinese; Second, churches are independent in administration and operation; Third, churches have independence in the economic aspect; Fourth, churches are adapted to the Chinese in the aspects of church building, divine music, divine painting and liturgy etc. Fifth, accommodate the sacrificial fete and customs of the Chinese and Christianize them; Sixth, churches must be involved in the practical issues in the State and the society of China; Seventh, churches must get rid the tradition and colors of the European and American churches; Eighth, churches must be able to control themselves, sustain themselves and spread by themselves."

应元道先生曾对20世纪20年代开展的中国基督教本色运动的讨论加以概括,认为所谓本色的基督教会应有以下几个特点:"一是中华国民的教会;二是根据中国基督教徒自己的经验而设立的;三是富有中国文化的质素的;四是要把基督教与中国文化合而为一的;五是能适合中华民族的精神和心理的;六是能使中国基督徒的宗教生活和经验合乎中国风土的" [1]。60年代,日本学者山本澄子在其所著的《二十年代中国基督教的自立运动》一文中,对中国教会本色化运动的定义作了更详细的概括:"一,以中国人为教会的构成;二,教会的行政与运作等方面的自立;三,教会在经济方面的自立;四,教会在教堂建筑、圣乐、圣画、礼拜仪式等方面的中国化;五,容纳中国人的祭祀与习俗,并与基督教化;六,教会要置身于中国国家与社会的现实问题之内;七,教会要除去欧美教会的传统与色彩;八,教会要能自治、自养、自传。"

"Here is a book I never even heard of sir," said Mr Segundus, The Excellences of Christo- Judaic Magick.


At the election of Gregory VII's first effective successor, Urban II, in 1088, the end of the war is thirty years away and more--years in which popes could make serious mistakes in what they said and what they did: the costly, mischievous vacillation of the far from clearheaded Pascal II (1099-1118), for example, who moved from one extreme position to its very opposite.

在选举中的格里高利七世的第一个有效的继任者,城市二,在1088年,战争的结束是三十年距离和更-年,教皇可以让人犯下严重的错误在他们所说和他们做了什麼:昂贵的,淘气的摇摆的远远清醒帕斯卡尔二( 1099年至1118年),例如,谁从一个极端立场的情况恰恰相反。

Article 57 The establishment of a rural cooperative bank shall include two stages, namely, preparatory establishment and initiation of the business.


Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD.


Article 57 The people's court shall make a judgment of first instance within three months from the day of filing the case.


Article 57 A people's court shall pass a judgment of first instance within three months from the day of filing the case.


I just entered my seventh decade and don't know how I got here.


3Neither she nor he had entered the house since that dizzily November day forty-seven years ago when the movers had cleaned out their furniture,damaging the cane-backed sofa and breaking two plates of Philadelphia blue-ware in the process.


Seventeen provincial-level sports teams are stationed here, with events encompassing table tennis, badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball, track and field, weight-lifting, gymnastics,eurythmics, martial arts, trampoline, sports acrobatics, fencing, cycling, swimming, diving, and synchronized swimming.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
