英语人>网络例句>七十个 相关的搜索结果


与 七十个 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Still largely agricultural, it is divided into eight barrios each with a small colonial church dating from the 16th or 17th centuries.


And Monsieur Bombarda, the magnificent eating - house keeper, gives you those three hundred and seventeen fathoms for four francs and fifty centimes.


December 31, 2008, the county party committee held the whole of the 10th Five meeting, 17 in-depth implementation of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Economic Work Conference, the province's economic work of the municipal party committee and plenary meetings, review and sum up this year, the main , Analysis of current macroeconomic situation and arrangements for the deployment of work in 2009 focused on tasks, organize and mobilize the whole county cadres Zhuaji Yu good confidence, encouraging the spirit of a big, in order to strengthen the focus of the two, to create a new BinHai, take a step to speed up To the port of the times and strive together.


The first six books are an interpolated edition of the Didascalia ("Teaching of the Apostles and Disciples", written in the first half of the third century and since edited in a Syriac version by de Lagarde, 1854); the seventh book is an equally modified version of the Didache (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, probably written in the first century, and found by Philotheos Bryennios in 1883) with a collection of prayers.

第6本书是一个插版Didascalia ("教学中的使徒和门徒",书面上半年第三世纪以来修改了叙利亚的版本由拉加德, 1854年);的第七本书是一个同样修改版的十二使徒遗训(教学中的十二门徒,大概写的第一个世纪,并发现了Philotheos Bryennios 1883年),以收集祈祷。

During the brief interruptive Xin Dynasty (9–23 AD) of Wang Mang (45 BC – 23 AD), the government introduced several new denominations in 7, 9, 10, and 14 AD.


It will be seen, however, that majolica can give significant indications regarding the use and disuse of certain instruments over the centuries as well as being a depositary for the conservation, uncontaminated by time, of images narrating past realities; we will see, for example, how during the Renaissance the lute and the vielle were widespread, as was the organ, whether portative or positive; we no longer encounter these in baroque majolica and it is above all the violin which we find in majolica of the Eighteenth Century.

人们会注意到,通过对陶器的观察,我们可以知道在那几个世纪的年代中,人们喜欢用哪些乐器,不喜欢用哪些乐器。陶器上还画有关于过去人们生活的写照,这些图画虽经岁月却依然清晰。例如,我们可以看到,在文艺复兴时期,鲁特琴和vielle (或叫 lira da braccio)非常流行,而可携带的或固定的风琴也很流行。在十七世纪的陶器中,我们就看不到这种情况了。而在十八世纪的陶器中,我们只能看到小提琴了。

Pavin Ponanna, 30, booked all 227 seats at a Bangalore cinema for an evening showing of Phoonk, Indian newspaper the Pioneer Daily reported.


Although the Abbey of La Trappe flourished exceedingly, even after the death of its venerated reformer, as evidenced by more than 300 professions between the years 1714 and 1790, yet the spirit of materialism and sensualism rampant in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, did not permit the rapid extension of the reform outside its walls; it did not even allow the entire severity of ancient Cteaux to be introduced at La Trappe, though this reform was the most thorough and perfect of the many attempts that had then been made.


Therefore, each of the fourteen surds "キヒミエケへメコソトノモヨロ" and the seven sonant"ギビゲべゴゾド" has two pronunciations.


At another kind of operation, producers raise pigs for about six weeks. When the animals weigh eighteen to twenty seven kilograms they are sold to a finish farm.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
