英语人>网络例句>一连串 相关的搜索结果


与 一连串 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like the central nave, the north was apparently decorated with one continuous panel. To the east, this gave way to a small design of crosses and squares. Enclosed in rectilinear edges, the panel showed a design of interlocked octagons, which, in turn. formed squares. hexagons and triangles. At some unknown date, this panel of white, black and red cubes was damaged by a crack which was repaired with white cubes.


Simulations of the full system demonstrate that the development of the MI in the former regime leads to the establishment of a regular or chaotic array of pulses if the MI saturates, or a chain of well-separated peaks with continuously growing amplitudes if the instability does not saturate.


After a string of well-played games, Thursday's 14-2 loss to the Rangers was a real stinker for the Yankees, who fell back under .500 at 16-17 before beginning a nine-game road trip that starts in Seattle and ends at Shea Stadium.


In this way you can have a chain of reactions and accept each reaction as freedom.


Following the footsteps of their predecessor, Leo XIII and Pius X have shown an equal desire to add their own jewel to the crown of St. Joseph: the former, by permitting on certain days the reading of the votive Office of the saint; and the latter by approving, on 18 March, 1909, a litany in honour of him whose name he had received in baptism.

经过的足迹,他们的前任,利奥十三世和庇护X中表现出平等的渴望加入自己的宝石的皇冠圣约瑟夫:前,允许在某些日子阅读votive办公室圣和后者批准, 3月18日, 1909年,一连串的荣誉,他的名字,他收到的洗礼。

There were a series of unexpected issues happened when we went to the virgin forest for exploring.


A Treasure Ship Captain Early in the 15th century, a huge fleet of ships set sail from Nanjing.


Al-Shattanawfi in Bahjat al-asrar mentions many of his miracles, each time giving a chain of transmission.

Al-Shattanawfi in Bahjat al-asrar 提到了他的许多奇迹,每个时代给予一连串的显示。

It's not hard to imagine how she threw all weird questions at me, things like why don't they keep the small ticket-selling hole, how I managed to buy ice lemon tea through the screen in front of me, and why we still have to wait outside after buying tickets.


Among tech insiders, she is famous for her laugh - a nerdy, rapid-fire tat-tat-tat that has been made into a YouTube mashup and is available as a ringtone.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
