英语人>网络例句>一连串 相关的搜索结果


与 一连串 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You shouldn't have to fear that any new credit card is going to come with strings attached, nor should you need a magnifying glass and a reference book to read a credit card application.


During the process of method development, we investigated the influence of possible parameters on resolution, including the type, concentration, and pH value of the buffer solution, the temperature, the applied voltage and the addition of organic solvent.


A book promotion campaign with no follow- through .


After hypochondria go into action, accompany with the ego closing, eliminate, to the disappointment of the life, and once go into action least keep on above two weeks , the first what to victimize is own body, causing personal and the family\'s mind and body obstacle and influence the quality of life the outside, also would cause the productivity lost meanwhile, income missing, increase the family and social cost, the serious would increase the disease to contract the rate, increase the high death rate and bring about to commit suicide the problem, the digital well-known actor reveal on the media recently they have ever contracted the hypochondria hereafter, and the suicide affairs of the experienced actor and recent series of politesses commits suicide the case with the gun, the hypochondria just become the focus of public concern gradually, however what is the hypochondria disease How many does the hypochondria have How is appropriate processing Police the administration business how does the personnel guard against to contract the hypochondria


His kingdom is a chain of 170 enchanting coral and volcanic islands scattered over a patch of ocean roughly the size of West Germany.


Central to the movie is an exciting race using the super-fast "pod racer s", in a sequence reminiscent of the great chariot race in the classic movie Ben Hur


Central to the movie is an exciting race using the super-fast "pod racers", in a sequence reminiscent of the great chariot race in the classic movie Ben Hur


And more than all we find throughout the pages of this book a series of hints, now obscure, now clear, of some wondrous person who is to come as the world's saviour; we find it asserted at one time that he is man, at others that he is God Himself.


Specifically, due to the forces from family and the society, considerations about issues such as come-out, marriage and the change of sexual orientation equate behaviors of identification.


Brighten the chain daisy chain in chains the chain is no stronger than its weakest link.

链,镣铐,一连串,一系列 vt。用链条拴住一环薄弱全局垮。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
