英语人>网络例句>一连串 相关的搜索结果


与 一连串 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was the latest in a series of mass demonstrations in the Thai capital.


Fire'.'' and set off a chain of explosions.


How do you explain the series of occurrences.


This case is the latest in a series of British spy scandals.


On ThisNext.com, one of a new breed of websites that seeks to connect independent-minded shoppers with hard-to-find products, you can sit back and watch its strangely hypnotic Activity Map, featuring a stream of successive speech bubbles popping up all over the world that offer real-time information on who's looking at what across the globe.


Millet himself said that it was based in part on a childhood memory of the Angelus, the prayer dedicated to Mary, mother of God, recited three times daily after the sounding of an Angelus bell.


Marriage, children, myriad responsibilities and, ultimately, a 46-year job as an auto mechanic gradually turned his concept of a bucket list into little more than a bittersweet memory of lost opportunities and a mental exercise he occasionally thought about to pass the time while working under the hood of a car...


The delicate and complicated relationship in the heart quake battle between the police and the gangsters is fully reflected and this kind of battle is the true mirror of police's life of tears and blood.


The Christmas theme of Pacific Place is Real Christmas Spirit this year. The historic Christmas bells are all over the place and around the corners. Along with a huge and gorgeous Christmas bell, they chime to remind you that Christmas is coming. Several Christmas events will be held to celebrate the festival and share the joyful moment with all shoppers.

今年圣诞太古广场以&Real Christmas Spirit&为主题,历史悠久的圣诞钟遍布商场每个角落及藉著华丽大型圣诞钟的清脆钟声向您预布佳节到临,由此亦幻化出一连串精彩节日表演,与购物人士一同体验普世欢腾的圣诞气氛。

Dig arenaceous boat, pan boat to dig excessive to collect in disorder on channel, caused a chain of serious problem thereby.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
