英语人>网络例句>一连串 相关的搜索结果


与 一连串 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So far as the protection of pioneer investors is concerned, Resolution II of UNCLOS on Governing Preparatory Investment in Pioneer Activities Relating to Polymetallic Nodules (hereinafter referred as "Resolution II") stipulates relevant provisions, and the author orderly discusses the definition of pioneer investors, procedures of application and their rights and obligations. Concerning settlement of disputes on overlaps of mine sites, the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea (hereinafter referred as "Preparatory Commission") had held series of meetings or sessions with states interested since 1983, and they had signed the 1984 General Understanding, the 1986 Arusha Understanding and New York Understanding, and the 1987 Midnight Agreement. As a result, such agreements had be settled overlapping disputes of mine sites between the first group of applicants and potential applicants.


The four writers in question have concocted a plot that promises to be diabolical (a satanic rite, for openers, with a begowned beauty about to be tortured), but grows silly in inverse proportion to its grandiosity (a doomsday machine designed to do in the House of Lords), then finally performs a peculiar act of self-deflation by revealing that Blackwood's seeming magic was only a succession of conjuring tricks.


The horizon is compositionally very important in most straight-on full-shots, which will comprise the bulk of your scenes in a story board.


Centering on such questions as: Why hasn't such a large-scale project undergone a bidding process And why is it that a foreigner was selected as designer With his imperious political aloofness, Mitterrand on the one hand directed his Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, to conduct a protracted series ofpublic hearings and debates, allow the public, opposition parties and academics to engage in endless quarrel, and apply his skills to toying with the media; on the other hand, he plowed full speed ahead with construction, determined to concretize his dream of bestowing upon Paris an architecture which,in his personal judgement, was worthy of it.


Apart from a pair of escalators to link up the arrival and departure halls for the contraflow management of passengers, the completion of a series of improvement works before the National Day holiday 2004 has provided the boundary-crossing point with a new passageway leading to the eastern end of the

除现 有两条电动扶梯连接出境和入境大堂以便实施对应人流计划外,罗湖管制站一连串改善工程亦已於二零零四年国庆假期前完成,其中包括,辟设了一条通往离境大堂东翼的新通道,并在该大堂增设十四个检查柜台。

The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe.


However, this is only the beginning of Darren's troubles.


The surgery was really a series of dauntingly complex operations. A certain amount of ground had to be ceded to the tumor, because it had a stranglehold on parts of Mr. Collison's stomach, intestines and pancreas.


Below a fertile valley spread, with barns and the orchards of summer,Behind, the terraced sides of a mountain, abrupt, in places rising high,Broken, with rocks, with clinging cedars, with tall shapes dingily seen

早上他们经过学校,看到晨曦中嬉闹的孩子们,中午路过稻田,看到沉甸甸的庄稼,傍晚乘着缓缓下落的夕阳向暮色深处驶去,这一连串意象又象征着少年、中年和暮年三个富有代表性的人生阶段[6] 。

The ways that lead the team today will cause not merely the divisively between players and players or players and coaches, but also extend a chain reaction of managing problem, which effects the difficulty on the system and finally induces the result of the training unproductively if one keeps the old fashion ways of management.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
