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与 一生 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He will do this down his life.


At about 12 weeks of age, the Doberman starts the teething phase of its life.


During this mature phase the Doberman is at it's peak and prime.


If we all help those persons who need to be helped by a heart of docile.


We invite you Morris Animal Foundation has announced the launch of an unprecedented 30 million effort to cure canine cancer within a dog's lifetime -- the next 10 to 20 years.Greyhound Dog Racing Protection Organization, PO Box 442117, Home About Dog Racing Take Action Support Us Greyhound Gifts pass stronger dog protection laws and close down existing greyhound Hemp dog collars are also available.


Dolce considerate honest rational likesmile Pursue and marital life, hope to find a right man, together to create a better life!


Person's life is dominated by their own.


I could hardly believe that I was contemplating dong this at this age of my life.


Astrology - Look you, Doubloon, your zodiac here is the life of man in one round chapter.

占星 -看看你,从前西班牙金币的名称,在你黄道带的一个圆章里是人的一生

This year, 2009, he is 23 years old. The whole 23-year is an extraordinary one, during which he got through a lot and experienced the process of Reform and Innovation. The whole 23-year is the one that he was spurred on by ambition to build nation as his responsibility, that he went forward the bright future designed by Marx and Chairman Mao, also by theoretical system of Chinese socialism. He is glad to help others, often gave a hand to those who need help. He is warm and giving, treating everyone with honesty. He is charitable and kind-hearted, aiding the people in poverty. It is his braveness and doughtiness that made him appear at the emergency place at the first time. When it refers to his life, he is diligent and aggressive to assimilate knowledge. In his mind, there is nothing important than his motherland and People, which suggested he puts China and Chinese at the premier place. Though he is a common person, he is not a mediocrity, trying his best to do what he can. 23-year training makes his unusual life that led him advanced in mind and practice.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
