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与 yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I see her yet; her pretty action did outsell her gift, and yet enriched it too.


Although the intact-receptor based biosensors of the maxillary palp of cockroach Periplaneta Americana are not yet practical analytical devices at present. Yet, sensitive and selective responses to biomolecules involving amino acids and protein, as well as some simple substance such as salts and sugars have been firstly obtained. It is already evident that receptor based biosensors are enormously superior to isolated receptor biosensors in terms of response time and recovery times, thus, the intact receptor biosensor worth of further investigation and development.


With what can only be described as a mind boggling performance of his hit single Whataya Want From Me, appearing as an apparition in dark profile within a green cone of illuminated swirling clouds, Adam delivered the opening verse of the song with clear, strong, yet hauntingly measured notes that swept his audience into a space/time continuum in which only he and they existed, then broke out into full Planet Fierce rock mode complete with glossy Elvis-esque jacket and pompadour, yet facial and body language that was clearly signature Glambert.

这是一场只能以不可思议来形容的表演!他出现在顶灯投射下的漩涡云层之间,譬如黑夜中的幻影,以清澈的有力的叫人难以忘怀的嗓音为他的热门单曲WWFM开场,将观众们送入一个只有他与他们存在的时空。继而爆发,进入了Planet Fierce的摇滚模式,配之以Elvis式的夹克和发型,可同时他的表情与身体语言又是如此典型的Glambert。

This is a sea dragon, and the one on the bottom, the blue one, is a juvenile that has not yet swallowed the acid, has not yet taken in the brown-green algae pond scum into its body to give it energy.


He said that three of the Quarterly Bulletin has not yet announced, and specific data yet.


Yet he can't make his claims yet; he plans to side with Warwick and Salisbury.


He never gave the usual blessing to his children; he simply offered her his scrubby, not yet shaved cheek, and said sternly and yet at the same time with intense tenderness, as he looked her over: Quite well?


And now I began to think sedately; and, upon debate withmyself, I concluded that this island (which was so exceedinglypleasant, fruitful, and no farther from the mainland than as I hadseen) was not so entirely abandoned as I might imagine; thatalthough there were no stated inhabitants who lived on the spot,yet that there might sometimes come boats off from the shore, who,either with design, or perhaps never but when they were driven bycross winds, might come to this place; that I had lived therefifteen years now and had not met with the least shadow or figureof any people yet; and that, if at any time they should be drivenhere, it was probable they went away again as soon as ever theycould, seeing they had never thought fit to fix here upon anyoccasion; that the most I could suggest any danger from was fromany casual accidental landing of straggling people from the main,who, as it was likely, if they were driven hither, were hereagainst their wills, so they made no stay here, but went off againwith all possible speed; seldom staying one night on shore, lestthey should not have the help of the tides and daylight back again;and that, therefore, I had nothing to do but to consider of somesafe retreat, in case I should see any savages land upon the spot.


Yet Juventus President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has sensationally revealed that the transfer has yet to be completed.


But I have not yet given up all hope of finding some way of hastening the approach of sleep. Even yet there is a glimmer, for rereading (not for the first, and, please Heaven! not the last time) Lamb's letters, I came upon the following, in a note to Southey; But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night, and never gets beyond corporal and material verities!...


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Are We There Yet?
It Ain't Over Yet
The Best Was Yet To Come
Not Just Yet
I Ain't Runnin' Yet
It Ain't Over Yet
The Now And The Not Yet
You're The Best Thing Yet
Your Love Has Never Failed Me Yet
Yet Another Day

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
