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与 yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our products are widely applied to various fields such as metallurgy, electric power, mine, mechanical manufacturing, food, medicine, automobiles, textiles, and chemicals etc. Our corporation is a vigorous one that can provides customers with technology of axletree and perfect yet suitable service within the shortest time.


The ayatollah is thought to oppose the pact but has not yet made a pronouncement about it.


British accomplices in last week's botched efforts could yet be unearthed, but so far the suspects are Indian, Jordanian and Iraqi (though one was born in Aylesbury).


No Ayu or Nayuki clones and yet it still has its own unique style.


With no cure at present, although new drugs, such as AZT, have given researchers renewed optimism in AIDS, prudence could save thousands of people who have yet to be exposed to the virus.

目前尚无特效药,但也出现了一些新药,比如 AZT,能够给研究员带来对抗艾病的希望,审慎能够挽救很多遭受艾病折磨人的生命。

He was meant to lead the people to God but yet he chose to worship Baal.


She ran to Ali Baba and said, My husband has not come back yet.


Yet it is that very babble that makes Facebook so valuable to marketers.


Later, Babette explains how Dylar isolates the particular neurotransmitters that control the fear of death and how, despite having taken almost all her pills, she has yet to experience any relief from her fear.


Mike: You haven't bought a baby carriage yet Maybe I can help.

迈克: 你还没买婴儿车?我也许能帮上忙。

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Are We There Yet?
It Ain't Over Yet
The Best Was Yet To Come
Not Just Yet
I Ain't Runnin' Yet
It Ain't Over Yet
The Now And The Not Yet
You're The Best Thing Yet
Your Love Has Never Failed Me Yet
Yet Another Day

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
