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与 yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But observers are concerned that governments have yet to come up with an effective way to arbitrate this maritime dispute.


Thus passed the leafy time when arborescence seems to be the one thing aimed at out of doors. Tess and Clare unconsciously studied each other, ever balanced on the edge of a passion, yet apparently keeping out of it.


At the local level, no systematic study of the archaeologically rich Khanuy river valley has yet been conducted.


Archaeologically, Hong Kong is but a tiny part of the far greater cultural sphere of South China, itself as yet imperfectly known .


Yet for now, at least, Gabriel's Revelation must take its place among a slew of recently discovered or rediscovered objects from around the time of Jesus that are claimed to either support or undermine Scripture but are themselves sufficiently, logically or archaeologically compromised to prevent their being definitive. In 2002, a bone-storage box with the legend "James Son of Joseph Brother of Jesus" bobbed up that seemed to buttress Jesus' historicity while at the same time suggest that the Catholic teaching that he had no true brothers was false — but the Israeli Antiquities Authority declared the inscription as a forgery (although various experts continue to disagree).

暂时, 至少, Gabriel 的揭示必须采取它的地方在被要求对或支持或破坏圣经的沼泽最近被发现的或被再发现的对象之中从在耶稣附近的时期但他们自己充足地,逻辑上或考古学上妥协防止他们是明确的。2002 年,骨头存贮箱子以传奇"耶稣兄弟"浮动那的詹姆斯儿子约瑟夫似乎支持耶稣的historicity 当同时建议宽容教学他没有真实的兄弟是假的—但以色列上古当局宣称题字作为伪造(虽然各种各样的专家继续不同意)。

This week the church performed its biggest act of penance yet, paying $660m to settle claims of sexual abuse by more than 500 people in the archdiocese of Los Angeles.


Regina appears to be set to experience yet another exciting year on the real estate market in 2008, Archibald said Wednesday.

在2008年里贾纳的房地产市场似乎是被设定为又一次令人激动的一年,周三 archibald说,。

According to the science report, as the environment pollution comes worse and worse, the discharge of CO2 is increasing, the temperature is increasing too. If it cannot be improved yet, at the middle age of this century, the iceberg and glacier of the Antarctica and the Arctic Pole will melt because of the "greenhouse effect", at that time, the sea level will rise and even submerge the land which we live on!


It is really one of the kindest yet most effective ways to dampen someone's ardor.


A considerable number of people have not changed their concept of childbearing fundamentally, and the society as a whole is not yet fully aware of the importance, arduousness and the protracted nature of the solution of the population problem


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Are We There Yet?
It Ain't Over Yet
The Best Was Yet To Come
Not Just Yet
I Ain't Runnin' Yet
It Ain't Over Yet
The Now And The Not Yet
You're The Best Thing Yet
Your Love Has Never Failed Me Yet
Yet Another Day

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
