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与 yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"HE is," said Matthew Arnold of Emerson,"the friend and abider of those who would live in the spirit." These well-known words are perhaps the best expression of the somewhat vague yet powerful and inspiring effect of Emerson's courageous but disjointed philosophy.


Henry Charlton Bastian was the most prominent leader of that faction of Darwinians, though Huxley was so successful in defining them out of the story that very few people today even realize that there WERE Darwinians who were serious, talented evolutionary scientists, yet also thought abiogenesis was necessary in evolution up to the present day.


Yet she is an abler politician who has some grasp of the pressing case for reform.


Yet back in August 2007, 95% of them ticked the box in support of the acquisition of ABN AMRO, the deal that brought the bank to its knees.

然而回首 2007 年的 8 月,他们中的 95%为收购荷兰银行投了赞成票,而这最终使荷兰银行成为他们的囊中之物。

Abominably, I have yet triumphed! The secret name of the city to be attacked got through to Berlin.


Yet not only in their ways did you walk, and act as abominably as they did; in a very short time you became more corrupt in all your ways than they.


Because these viruses abortively infect human and most mamralian cells yet still effecfivelypresent encoded forgein genes to the host inmune system Compared with the replication-compentent vaccinin virus,the MVA modified vaccinia Ankara ,all a highly attenuated vaccinia virus,lost hte ability to replicate in human and most mamralian cells except BHK-21 and CEF cells.


And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment

1:9 我所祷告的,就是要你们的爱心,在知识和各样见识上,多而又多。

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in full knowledge and all discernment

1:9 我所祷告的,就是要你们的爱,在充足的知识并一切的辨识上,多而又多的洋溢

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all jud***ent

1:9 我所祷告的,就是要你们的爱心,在知识和各样见识上,多而又多。

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Are We There Yet?
It Ain't Over Yet
The Best Was Yet To Come
Not Just Yet
I Ain't Runnin' Yet
It Ain't Over Yet
The Now And The Not Yet
You're The Best Thing Yet
Your Love Has Never Failed Me Yet
Yet Another Day

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
