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与 yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, the Shanghai Institute of 10,000 that, at present, the economy is still in the W-shaped to adjust the first half of the risk has not yet been fully released stage, market trends and opportunities is still not yet.


An athlete, in the midst of a record-breaking run, has never in hislife been so fit and strong. Yet his pain-racked body may have neverfelt so weak. Likewise, in the midst of a spiritual trial, it is notuncommon to be stronger and yet feel weaker than ever before.


If you are not in a state of Zen yet, remembering past fly fishing experiences, then you probably are not yet an avid trout fly fisherman.


Now take such individuals and do the unthinkable… Make them into a team. Worse yet, force them to have meetings in which they must interact on a social level and agree to work together. Worse yet, force them to interact with right-brained


No, not he; though his face be better than any man's, yet his leg excels all men's; and for a hand, and a foot, and a body, though they be not to be talked on, yet they are past compare: he is not the flower of courtesy, but, I'll warrant him, as gentle as a lamb.


This in-fighting is reinforced by the fact that Democrats do not yet know whether a more appealing compromise that meets the test of revenue neutrality laid out by Mr Obama may yet emerge from the other chamber of Congress.


This in-fighting is reinforced by the fact that Democrats do not yet know whether a more appealing compromise that meets the test of revenue neutrality laid out by Mr Obama may yet emerge from the other chamber of Congress.


Now, i'm presenting some of the screenshot and shooting script from the animation, though the work of mine is not mature enough i beileve, yet it comprised a lot of my painstaking effort, thereinto meets a lot of difficulites, hardships, and yet, also has a little sense of gratified.


Although I had been told this before, and although I understood my own deprivations, yet I had thought vaguely that since they could hear, they must have a sort of "second sight", and I was not prepared to find one child and another and yet another deprived of the same precious gift.


Am happy so much for being to student like me, honest friend i feel proud that you are my friend, am the elder in my family, you seem to be in the middle, here it's so hot yet it will be cool some months ahead studies are going on with me yet am always busy like too, tell me about the people, culture and traditional ways of life in your country if you do have such things in your country, assumed if you come to my home country you will learn more about our people and cultures in my country, it is so good place with many different cultures, am studying in kampala uganda, do you know this country?


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Are We There Yet?
It Ain't Over Yet
The Best Was Yet To Come
Not Just Yet
I Ain't Runnin' Yet
It Ain't Over Yet
The Now And The Not Yet
You're The Best Thing Yet
Your Love Has Never Failed Me Yet
Yet Another Day

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
