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Whether or not that turns out to be the case, Mr Jobs has already proven heroic enough to merit a portrait on the Yerba Buena Center's walls.
Whether or not that turns out to be the case, Mr Jobs has already proven heroic enough to merit a portrait on the Yerba Buena Center's walls.
The first settlement was known as Yerba Buena, and the name was changed to San Francisco after control of the town passed to the United States in 1846. Discovery of gold nearby in 1848 changed the city from a small community into a thriving boom town known for its lawlessness and bawdy amusements.
Apple used the Yerba Buena Center last September when it hosted an iPod event that featured the first public appearance by Chief Executive Steve Jobs following his return from medical leave.
苹果公司在去年九月发布iPod 的时候使用过YB中心,令人印象深刻的是,那也是总裁SJ在身体原因离开后返回后的第一次公开亮相。
"HEROES and heroics" is one of the central themes of the current season at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, which prides itself on showcasing contemporary artists who challenge conventional ways of doing things.
旧金山前卫艺术中心本季的中心主题之一是&英雄与壮举&,该中心以展出标新立异的当代艺术家作品而引以为荣。1月27号前卫艺术中心为计算机行业的英雄之一做东:史蒂夫-乔布斯,苹果公司的老板,在此推出苹果的最新设计——the iPad。
"HEROES and heroics" is one of the central themes of the current season at the Yerba Buena Centre for the Arts in San Francisco which prides itself on showcasing contemporary artists who challenge conventional ways of doing things.
"HEROES and heroics" is one of the central themes of the current season at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, which prides itself on showcasing contemporary artists who challenge conventional ways of doing things. On January 27th the centre played host to one of the heroes of the computing industry: Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, who launched the company's latest creation, the iPad.
旧金山前卫艺术中心本季的中心主题之一是&英雄与壮举&,该中心以展出标新立异的当代艺术家作品而引以为荣。1月27号前卫艺术中心为计算机行业的英雄之一做东:史蒂夫-乔布斯,苹果公司的老板,在此推出苹果的最新设计--the iPad。
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