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For fund companies and their employees in investment funds, Fund for the Department of the SFC in June last year issued a "Circular on fund investment in securities investment funds of employees of matters relating to notice", which provides that "the fund management companies should be in the fund contract commencement notice traded funds notice book and related semi-annual report and annual report disclosure of fund employees of the Company held by the Fund's total share and accounted for the only the proportion of the overall share of the Fund."


This book was one of the best books that I have read this year.


I've found this book to be indispensible this year while teaching Business English.


You can find One Year to an Organized Work Life on Amazon , as well as at many brick-and-mortar book stores. It is published by Da Capo Press and weighs in at 304 pages.


That's quite a lesson from the 46-year-old pop diva, whose fifth children's book in the past 18 months "Lotsa de Casha," hit store shelves this week.

这是个教训,46岁的POP歌手?她在过去18个月中的的第五本儿童读物" Lotsa Casha 。"在这一周上市。

That's quite a lesson from the 46-year-old pop diva, whose fifth children's book in the past 18 months "Lotsa de Casha" hit store shelves this week.


The Catskill Mountains Many people see UFOs and report alien encounters in the Catskills. Silent Invasion 1991 - a book by Ellen Crystall - discusses over 100 UFO sightings and encounters in the Pine Bush area - over a 10 year period.

许多人们在Catskills中看见不明飞行物和报告不同的飞碟接触案例。1991的《无声的入侵》-亚伦克里斯托尔的一本书–在Pine Bush区域持续10年时间100以上的不明飞行物目击接触案例和相会中讨论。

Filled hut, a former Guangzhou administrative commissioner En rose to the rank his father had left Censorate Censor and the Board of Punishments Book of Pan was the name of Guangzhou, resign as mayor En-old retire and return home, Chang Yun-side in order to allow fathers to spend their twilight years, from the Ming Jiajing Jiwei Year 1553 onwards, the spring home of the Tang Chang a few plot of vegetable fields on the west, poly stone chisel pool, bamboo arts pavilion structure, the construction of gardens for more than ten years before the end Chang, serving overseas, it is repeated for repeated only


Berkshire past rates of gain in both book value and business value were achieved under circumstances far different from those that now exist. Anyone ignoring these differences makes the same mistake that a baseball manager would were he to judge the future prospects of a 42-year-old center fielder on the basis of his lifetime batting average.

过去伯克希尔真实与帐面价值成长的背景,与现在有很大的不同,若搞不清楚其间的差异,就好象是一位棒球教练在判断高龄 42 岁的中外野手未来潜力时,以他一生的平均打击率作为判断依据。

Bertelsmann, the German publishing group, closed down its book retailing business in the country last year after years of losses.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
