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与 year book 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As proof of its strong ties with Japanese government and industry, the US aerospace company last year released a glossy coffee-table book entitled Pacific Partners: 50 years of Boeing in Japan

去年,波音公司公开发行题为《太平洋伙伴:波音在日本50年》(Pacific Partners: 50 years of Boeing in Japan)的精装图文集,足以证明公司与日本政府和航空业间的紧密联系。

I'm researching a book on how America picks its talent and I came away from the Coronado sessions focused on three big reasons for this year's talent turmoil.


The book cost me 3 times as much money as the one I bought in Beijing last year.


Eg:The book cost me 3 times as much money as the one I bought in Beijing last year.


The drug trade would flourish, said Ko-Lin Chin, a criminologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey and author of a book on the Golden Triangle published this year.


OK, so it is a simple application, and I won't crow about it, but it is also a handy day-book that can be programmed to remind you of whatever it is you have to do that day for any day of any year.


Event The new book was the cul tural event of the year.


Since this year(1999) is the 50th anniversary of publication Feminism masterpiece: Le Deuxieme Sexe, Beauvoir''s name becomes the hot-topic again. For its overall discussion about feminine problems and situations, this book has arose an upsurge of review in Europe. Almost all the academic circle agrees its importance and admits that there is no one else could surpass.


Right now, because traitorous had not had the Luo Liming with readable book, stay in the home to follow father go to the fields, on hill, dry farm work is already fast half an year.


Madonna in People, July 27, 1992. It was a big year for her, with the movie A League of Their Own, her Sex book and her Erotica album.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
