英语人>网络例句>worth-while 相关的网络例句

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与 worth-while 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I remembered the bread and bananas Ermei had asked me to share with her, and I turned into a confectioner's and bought a dollar's worth of chocolates, cakes and various eatables.


It usually takes more time to clean up confetti, but it may be worth it for some parties.


The industrial engineering takes a conformability strong discipline, how plays the strong character in the innovation research is the question which the future will be worth thinking deeply.


Conformably to justice, that thou mayest always speak the truth freely and without disguise, and do the things which are agreeable to law and according to the worth of each.


However the place that congener website becomes outstandingly and the place that are worth to draw lessons from.


And Cristen Conger's full post is full of much more interesting information and is worth a read, no matter whether you label yourself as a pragmatist or optimist, happy or unhappy.

而且Cristen Conger的全文中拥有大为有趣的信息,不论你是将自己看做务实者还是乐观者,看做是快乐还是不快乐的一个人都是值得一读的。

"We decided that it really wasn't worth upsetting anybody by going ahead with using a dead conger," Kaye said.


Therefore it is the day worth congratulating.


Furthermore, it is not worth to transmit reactive power for long distance. Control provided "on the way" in transmission line, connation nodes, distribution station and other points requires installation of capacitors or\and reactors.

此外, 远距离地传输无功功率是没有必要的,无功功率在传输线路,各个节点,配电站和其他需要安装电容或者电抗器的地方被人为地控制着。

You may say its the connections with other people that make life worth living.


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A Kiss Is Worth A Thousand Words
A Woman's Worth
A Woman's Worth (Remix)
For What It's Worth
Get Your Money's Worth
Worth It All
Wasn't Worth It
Worth It
For What It's Worth
Is Fort Worth Worth It

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
