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On a certain occasion Mathur Babu stealthily entered the temple to watch the worship.


On the worship of bacchus in his kingdom, suffered the same treatment


The playwright and critic George Bernard Shaw mocked the cult of Shakespeare worship as "bardolatry".


Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against our own. Whistler as a mountebank, long after the big world had acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius. Multitudes flocked to Bayreuth to worship at the musical shrine of Wagner, while the little group of those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all.

外界人早已将惠斯顿称颂为最伟大的艺术大师之后,艺术领域中仍然流言纷纷,将自己的艺术大师说成是江湖骗子;当人们成群结队到音乐殿堂 Bayreath 向瓦格纳顶礼膜拜时,而一小撮被他废黜或顶替的人却气势汹汹地叫嚷:"他根本就不是音乐家"。

Nevertheless, by being instrumental in bringing a Bodhi sapling from the sacred Bodhi tree at Buddha Gaya, India and planting it at the Anuradhapura site in Sri Lanka, thus affording the Sri Lankan Buddhist population an object of worship considered to be commensurate with a living Buddha, and by inaugurating the Order of Nuns for the emancipation of womankind, she has rendered to our country a magnificent service that for ever remains in the memory of a grateful people of Sri Lanka who in commemoration of which participate in religious services and processions carrying a statue of Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta on every full moon day of Unduwap, the day she disembarked in the island arrival of Arahant Sanghamitta Theri in Sri Lanka.


Perhaps it is not surprising that in Holland, where the potato is given almost as much reverence as the Dutch royal family, the number-one snack food would be crafted from the sleepy spud, while we here in the New World, who prefer to worship red meat, have made hot-dogs and hamburgers our fast food staples.


The study shows, the study on Shao-lin Wushu should be based on the combination of "Zen" and "Wu";"respect the tradition, but not blind worship over it " is the main principle in inheriting the tradition, besides, we should maintain an open mind to heritage and development of the Shao-lin Wushu; The innovation should be based on the contemporary virtue, advance with time and combine with our country's development tactics.


We need to be very sincere in our worship of God.


Pastor Ling Bek Sing shared in this morning's worship service, translated by Sis Lim Poh Leng.


But this is not to belittle the importance of ritualistic worship .


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El Shaddai
I Worship You
Bless His Name
Shout Unto God
With All I Am
Oh Lord We Worship You
Praise And Worship You
For Who You Are
Worship The One

Given the language of section 102(2), the Supreme Court's rejection of substantive review under NEPA seems unjustifiable in principle


ObjectiveTo explore the effect of variable hip abduction orthosis on children spastic cerebral palsy.


But eventuality can be cold comfort in an era when tomorrow is radical different from today and unrecognizable compared with yesterday.
