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与 world-weariness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In anew pamphlet co-authored with Katinka Barysch, Can Europe and ChinaShape a New World Order?

由Katinka Barysch主编的新书《Can Europe and China Shape a New World Order?(中国和欧洲能否形成世界新秩序?

Dennis Snower, president of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, says this has to change.

基尔世界经济研究所(Kiel Institute for the World Economy)主席丹尼斯·斯诺尔表示,这种情况必须改变。

In his 30s Mr Fossett had typed out a list of things to do that included, rather than putting up shelves or going to the gym, doing all the World Loppet cross-country skiing marathons, swimming the English Channel and climbing the highest mountain on each continent.

在福塞特30岁的时候,他打印出一个他想做的清单,不是那种盖棚子或者去健身,而是参加所有的the World Loppet,越野滑雪马拉松,游过英吉利海峡和登上每个大洲的最高峰。

According to Mareca Hatler, director of research/senior market analyst at ON World: The widespread adoption of wireless sensor networks in the industrial market is dependent upon two critical developments: high reliability levels, and emerging consensus on industry standards.

ON World 高级市场分析员、研究经理 Mareca Hatler 分析道:无线传感器网络在工业市场的大规模应用取决于两个关键因素:高可靠度以及形成一致的行业标准。

WSIS(World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS)was held by ITU and UNESCO at Geneva, Switzerland. Taiwan Delegation Group organized by NICI, created a successful model to participate in UN related organization to promote the competitive advantages of Science and Technology in Taiwan.

2003.12 行政院科技顾问组团参与由联合国教科文组织及国际电信联盟於瑞士日内瓦共同主办的「资讯社会高峰会」(World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS),成功建立我国参与联合国周边组织活动模式,展现台湾资讯科技实力行销台湾,并为国际社会提出贡献的良好典范。

Life-world is an important philosophical topic which backs many popular contem p orary theories,it intends to overthrow the edifice of traditional metaphysics bu t the two are counterparts which depend on each other.

论文关键词生活世界/形而上学/主体间性/自明性/life-world/metaphysics/intersubjectivity/sel f-evidence,论文来源华中科技大学学报:社科版,论文单位武汉,点击次数 32,论文页数 1~5页2002年2002月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_56352961/生活世界是涉及当代诸多热点问题的一个重要哲学话题,它具有动摇传统形而上学大厦基础的意图但却与形而上学的反观相对应,生活世界毋宁是相对于生存主体而展开的生存视域。

The duo had so much chemistry on screen that Sarif cast them together again in The World Unseen, a drama set in Apartheid-era South Africa.

这两位拥有如此多的荧屏化学反应,以致于Shamim再一次在电影&The World Unseen&中启用她们,这出戏是设定在种族隔离时期的南非。

It recursively walks all mounted filesystems on the local system, and attempts to identify common security concerns, such as SUID, and world-writeable files.


When the World Machine is finished, an amazingly detailed in-game landscape pops out, ready to be populated with surly Klingons, giant radiation towers, and maybe even a tribble or three.

当world machine完成以后,一个非常细致的地貌将会呈现出来,已经做好了被klingon殖民的准备,或者是庞大的辐射塔,甚至是一个tribble。

There are also the so called Classic Bass Fishing Lures, like the Pro Series Jig, it is weedless designed with dual rattles, the Pro Series Spinner Baits a premium plated blades, the Tournament Series Spinner Bait it is commonly used while in a tournament, and lastly the Clacking Buzz Bait it is the noisiest buzz bait that is existing around the world.


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Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
World In A World
Rich World / Poor World
The Most Beautiful World In The World
Old World New World
Woman Of The World (Leave My World Alone)
World Inside The World
Your World & My World

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
