英语人>网络例句>world-weariness 相关的网络例句

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与 world-weariness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a picture of Maurice Druon, the Honorary Perpetual Secretary of L'Academie francaise — the French Academy. He is splendidly attired in his 68,000-dollar uniform, befitting the role of the French Academy as legislating the correct usage in French and perpetuating the language. The French Academy has two main tasks: it compiles a dictionary of official French — they're now working on their ninth edition, which they began in 1930, and they've reached the letter P. They also legislate on correct usage, such as the proper term for what the French call "email," which ought to be "courriel." The World Wide Web, the French are told, ought to be referred to as "la toile d'araignee mondiale"— the Global Spider Web — recommendations that the French gaily ignore.

这是莫理斯图翁他是L'Academie francaise的荣誉终身院士–或称法兰西学术院他身穿价值六万八千美元的华丽院士服与他在法兰西学院的职责十分相称他的工作是负责规范法文的正确用法并确保法文永垂不朽法兰西学术院肩负两项使命:编纂官方版的法文字典–现在正在编第九版他们从1930年就开始了,现在编到字母P 这些人也规范语言的正确用法例如,法国人常说的伊媚儿"email"应该叫做电子邮件"courriel"而网际网路"World Wide Web"应该要称为"la toile d'araignee mondiale"–全球蜘蛛网种种法国人兴高采烈地忽略的建议

For pronunciation I listened to Voice of America broadcasts and the BBC World Service on a stolen transistor radio.

对发音这块,我是靠一个偷来的半导体收音机,收听美国之音的广播和 BBC World Service的节目。

To "WORLD OF TUI" total brand TUI Group in the European market accounted for an absolute leader.

以"WORLD OF TUI"为总品牌的 TUI集团在整个欧洲市场占绝对领先地位。

Usage Note: The transition from World Wide Web site to Web site to website seems to have progressed as rapidly as the technology itself. The development of website as a single uncapitalized word mirrors the development of other technological expressions which have tended to evolve into unhyphenated forms as they become more familiar.

从World Wide Web site 到 Web site 再到 website 的转变表现了科技本身取得的迅速进展。website作为一个单独的不用首字母大写的词,它的发展反映了其他科技词汇表达形式的发展,这些发展往往将专有名词演变成未加连字符的形式,这样更能为人们所熟悉。

Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, and other attractions make Orlando the place for the perfect family vacation.

Walt Disney World,Universal Orlando和其他景点使奥兰多成为一个理想的家庭渡假好去处。

In being accepted as a member of the World YMCA. At the time when Taiwan was receded to the

我们却负起了与World YWCA所有的连系,努力实行世界协会所计划的事工,并参加各种国际会

Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a nation of 17,508 islands in the South East Asian Archipelago, making it the world's largest archipelagic state.

ndonesia,正式地共和国印度尼西亚(印度尼西亚语: Republik 印度尼西亚),是17,508 个海岛的国家在东南亚洲群岛,做它world's 最大的archipelagic 状态。

I had a BAFTA black tie charity screening of The World Unseen to get to.

因为我有一个英国电影电视艺术奖半正式慈善电影展映需要去参加,去放映The World Unseen。

I have left a certified international bank cheque for you worth of $3,500,000.00 cashable anywhere in the world.


Influenced by building robots, cars, handguns, world's filled with girls, and 3D cube's their unique approach is taken from eBoy's graphic arsenal and smacked on some of Gola's classic styles.

影响通过修造机器人,汽车,手枪, world's用女孩填装了,并且3D cube's他们独特的方法从eBoy's图表武库在一些被采取并且击响Gola's经典之作样式。

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Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
World In A World
Rich World / Poor World
The Most Beautiful World In The World
Old World New World
Woman Of The World (Leave My World Alone)
World Inside The World
Your World & My World

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
