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与 world-weariness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China is the world's most populous nation with a billion people who are potentially among the ablest and most productive in the world.


It is my abnegation day today, which is actually not mine, but his. That spirit fraught with emotion and avidity has going blighted over the past two years. He was perspicacious enough to discover the essence of the mundane world and consequently consigned his body to me. I am obliged to assume his responsibilities in the world from now on, until life comes to an end. It is hard to anticipate whether he will have the opportunity to resuscitate, which may happen only after an huge period of time.

杂谈 今天是我的祭日,其实不是"我"的,是"他"的,那个充满欲望与感情的灵魂在这两年多的时间里慢慢枯萎了,他看到的这世界的本质,所以将身体托付给了我,从今天起我将承担他在这个世界上的义务,直到轮回结束,我不知道有没有机会让他复活,即使有,也是很久以后的事了。

To negate and even tease those so called dignified value, showing his high self-respect and self-esteem even in the danger ; to reveal and abominate the fraud, tricks, developing a sort of unyielding and dismal quality that a hero has at his end ; to neglect and ridicule the high capitalism modern cities and hot primary matters , having a calm and placid attitude to handle with the messy and complicated world ; to hope for and trust the mysterious information and secert in space (something fabled and subconscious ), being curious about the unknown ; to show solicitude for a certain transient psychic phenomena and to expand it, reflecting the open heart and rakish spirit going beyong the mortal world ; to be indifferent to the interest of substance ; to refuse the philistinism and to recall the the past lifestyle in the countryside and so on.


In order to catch up with the step of internationalization, to continually publicize the ARF-pioneered sustainable building formula GB + Symbiosis = SB and symbiotic concept, and to share with the world the achievements of sustainable building promotion in Taiwan, we formed a delegation of 27 members with TSSBE that were founded by the ARF to participate in the triennial World Sustainable Building Conference held at Melbourne (SB08Melbourne) after participating in the SB meeting in 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2005 and the iiSBE Prague Meeting in 2006. Members of the delegation led by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, also the president of TSSBE, include ex-CPAMI Director Lin Chin-rong, ABRI Director Ho Ming-chin, Chiu Chiung-yu PhD, Archilife Environ-Control Research Center Supervisor Prof. Chiang Che-ming, Archilife Living Research Center Supervisor Prof. Su Ching-hua, and Assistant Cheng Wei-ning; research project principal investigators Mr. Li Yen-yi; Mr. Chou Po-cheng; Miss Tang Shu-chen; Mr. Wang Wen-an; Mr. Chen Tai-an; Mr. Lin Fang-ming; Mr. Chung Sung-chin; Mr. Lin De-en; Mr. Luo Yang-ching; Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin; Mr. Chen Nien-tsu; and members of TSSBE and participants of SB07 Taipei, including Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, Mr. Chung Po-ren, Mr. Hsiao Ruey-lin, Mr. Cheng cheng-li, Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng, Miss Kuo Yi-chun, and Miss Chen Chiu-yu, the assistant.

为贯彻祐生国际化的脚步、持续宣导首创之永续建筑公式GB+Symbiosis=SB与共生化理念,并向全世界分享台湾推动永续建筑之成果,继组团参与1998、2000、2002、2005之永续建筑系列国际性会议及2006年iiSBE布拉格会议后,2008年由本会参与设立的社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会及祐生组团共27人前往澳洲墨尔本参加三年一度的永续建筑国际会议SB08Melbourne,并由身兼社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会理事长的黄晋英秘书长担任团长,团员包括:前内政部营建署林钦荣署长、内政部建研所何明锦所长与邱琼玉博士、祐生环控研究中心指导教授江哲铭教授、祐生生活研究中心指导教授苏庆华教授、助理郑玮宁小姐、奖助研究案主持人李彦颐先生、周伯丞先生、汤淑贞小姐、王文安先生、陈泰安先生、林芳铭先生、钟松晋先生、戴永禔先生、林得恩先生、罗阳青先生、钟政勋先生、陈念祖先生及社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会号召之会员与曾参与SB07 Taipei国际会议之人士,如李创源先生、张桂凤小姐、钟博任先生、萧睿麟先生、郑政利先生、刘光盛先生、郭怡君小姐及团长助理陈秋玉小姐等。

Hold it on a hand of hands at heart, a warm expression in one's eyes, a sentence of close words, it will let feel when we the depressed one silk have the warm,will because feel this moment individual have absolute loneliness true, and it rise it is slightly satisfaction and consolation, the we one each other until this world is difficult in inch of land actually from, it is unalterable storing interdependently not to also matter, we are unable to become unable to agree in unison, this is in the world, too many things make us gaping, but must face straightly.


Swaziland is one of the few countries in the world that has an absolute monarchy, and it holds the dubious distinction of having the highest AIDS rate per capita in the world.


This kind of works are vested with strong expression_r_rism on the part of image-making and painting skills, and also they are constitutionally narrative by pictorial space and figure relation; other group is that abstract paintings made of oil, pastel, and water color, which should be taken as another world created by Huan Xun artistically, a world of more freedom, relaxation, and openness.


A considerable segment of world opinion thinks that Israel is the world's foremost abuser of human rights.


Upon the whole, here was an undoubted Testimony, that there was scarce any Condition in the World so miserable, but there was something Negative or something Positive to be thankful for in it; and let this stand as a Direction from the Experience of the most miserable of all Conditions in this World, that we may always find in it something to comfort our selves from, and to set in the Description of Good and Evil, on the Credit Side of the Accompt.


It will also allow the child to acculturate into the Deaf world (one of the two worlds he/she belongs to) as soon as contact is made with that world.


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Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
World In A World
Rich World / Poor World
The Most Beautiful World In The World
Old World New World
Woman Of The World (Leave My World Alone)
World Inside The World
Your World & My World

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
