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与 world-weariness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All of the F1 call to be the Championship (Chinese:a class equation race car a world championship)of the FIAFormula World",.F1 and World Cup Soccer, Olympic sports games because of influence scope wide, popularity Gao, and be called "world three big sport, F1's race car is the most expensive in the world, speed most quick, science and technology content the tallest sport, included to regard aerodynamicist as principle, plus radio communication, electrical engineering...etc. in the world most the forerunner's technique is a lot of new science and technology can at the beginning practice on the F1.The F is a FORMULA abbreviation, namely equation;1 explanations include a lot, can comprehend for the top car hand, top-class game, cash award etc..

F1的全称是FIAFormula World Championship"(中文:一级方程式赛车世界锦标赛),。F1 与世界杯足球赛,奥林匹克运动会因为影响范围广,知名度高,并称为"世界三大运动,F1赛车是世界上最昂贵、速度最快、科技含量最高的运动,包含了以空气动力学为主,加上无线电通讯、电气工程等世界上最先进的技术很多新的科技都是在F1上得以最初的实践的。F是FORMULA的缩写,即方程式;1的解释有很多,可以理解为顶尖车手,顶级赛事,奖金等等。

Another Montanan, Dan Mortensen, was inducted into the Cowboy Museum in 1997. Mortensen is 1997 World All-Around Champion and 1993-1995, 1997 and 1998 World Saddle Bronc Riding Champion in the "Rodeo" category.

另一个蒙大拿人丹摩坦孙,在1997 年时入列牛仔博物馆之内;丹是1997年的「世界全才冠军」( World All-Around Champion )及1993-1995、 1997及1998年"牛仔竞技表演"项目中的「世界马鞍骑乘冠军」( World Saddle Bronc Riding Champion )。

Section 1 fOrigin of world economic organization, elucidating the trends ofinternational economy integration and the global and regionaldevelopment trends today.Section 2 fThe styles and functions of the worid econoAnc organization, thevicissitude in line of environments, times and their structuralfunctions in those organizations fOrmed to help solve investment,finance and trade related problems, e.g., Intemational Monetary Fund, Worid Bank and frOm Intemational Trade Organization, General Agreement on TariffS and Trade GArn to WoridTrade Organization (WTO,These organizations are incrcasinglyinterrelated in functions.ChaPter ThxefDeveloPment of trade in services.

第贰章为世界经济组织的发展,第一节为世界经济组织的缘起,阐述国际经济整合的趋势及现今全球性与区域性的发展现势;第二节世界经济组织之型式与功能,为解决投资、金融、贸易设立的国际货币基金(International Monetary Fund,IMF)、世界银行(World Bank,WB)和从国际贸易组织(International Trade Organization,ITO)、关税暨贸易总协定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,GATT)到世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,WTO)一路的衍化及随著时代环境变迁,其结构性功能转变,应益加密切相互关联。

They shared the highest homology to "world-B" group isolates in Brassica pathotype (between 91.8% and 100%). Phylogenetic analysis based on the CP gene sequences of TuMV strains or isolates showed that these 6 TuMV isolates from Shandong belonged to "world-B" group.


You might for example want the 'world' of 'Hello world!' to appear in italics.

比如,你想"Hello world"中的"world"以斜体来显示。

35Th JOTA: at the invitation of the World Federation of Great Towers, Scouts and Guides had the opportunity to communicate from the tops of 13 towers around the world using the newest communication systems including videophone and television as well as amateur radio.

第三十五届世界童军空中大会。邀请『世界高塔联盟(World Federation of Great Towers)』全球总共13座高塔,使用最先进的通讯设备,包含视讯电话,电视转播及无线电通讯,参与活动的进行。

As I argued in a previous column ("Welcome to a world of runaway energy demand", November 14, 2007), fossilised sunlight and ideas have been the twin drivers of the world economy.

正如我在以前一篇专栏(《谁能喂饱能源饥渴的中国?》(Welcome to a world of runaway energy demand),2007年11月16日)中提出的,化石燃料和创意是世界经济的一对驱动力。

World Wide Web has developed very quickly, become the world's largest treasure trove of information resources.

作为Internet上一种先进的,容易被人们所接受的信息检索手段,World Wide Web发展十分迅速,成为目前世界上最大的信息资源宝库。

To achieve this you will have to tell your word processor - or, in the printing world, the typesetter - that 'world' should be displayed slightly differently.


I am GOD'S CHILD kanashii oto wa senaka ni tsumeato wo tsukete I can't hang out this world konna omoi ja doko nimo ibasho nante nai fuyukai ni tsumetai kabe toka tsugi wa dore ni yowasa wo yurusu owari ni nado te wo nobasanaide anata nara sukuidashite watashi wo seijaku kara jikan wa itami wo kasoku saseteyuku I am GOD'S CHILD kono fuhai shita sekai ni otosareta How do I live on such a field konna mono no tame ni umaretanjanai I am GOD'S CHILD kanashii oto wa senaka ni tsumeato wo tsukete I can't hang out this world konna omoi ja doko nimo ibasho nante nai by Onitsuka Chihiro

I am GOD'S CHILD 悲伤的声音在背後留下爪痕 I can't hang out this world 这样的回忆到哪儿都无栖身之处令人不悦的冰冷墙壁等等接下来要对哪一个示弱呢别在最後伸出援手是你的话请将我拯救而出将我从寂静中救出时间让痛楚加速前去 I am GOD'S CHILD 堕落在这个已腐败的世界里

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
What Kind Of World Would This World Be
World In A World
Rich World / Poor World
The Most Beautiful World In The World
Old World New World
Woman Of The World (Leave My World Alone)
World Inside The World
Your World & My World

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
