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与 word-painting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unlike the above two methods, FrameNet is based on the word's different meaning in different sematic framework to evoke different framework in order to understand the meaning of the word.


This print editorial office use standard of medical term term is in the writing of paper of science and technology, answer about substantival term the standard is uniform, not one justice much word or one word is much justice.


The measure word in contemporary Chinese language is very rich, outside eliminating idiom or certain and special use, numeral is general not direct with substantival use consecutively, measure word should be used among.


The word tangerine, from Tangier or Tanger, was already an English word (first recorded in 1710), meaning of or pertaining to Tangier.

源于 Tangier或 Tanger的 tangerine一词在这时已经是一个英语词汇(它第一次见于文献是在1710年),意为&属于或关于丹吉尔的&。

The English the word tick tock is equivalent to the Chinese word dida, buzz to wengweng.


The word tulip, which earlier in English appeared in such forms as tulipa or tulipant, comes to us by way of French tulipe and its obsolete form tulipan or by way of Modern Latin tulo pa, from Ottoman Turkish tülbend,"muslin, gauze." Our word turban, first recorded in English in the 16th century, can also be traced to Ottoman Turkish tülbend.

tulip 一词在英语中的早期形式是 tulipa 或 tulipant ,它源于法语 tulipe 和其废词形式 tulipan ,或是从奥斯曼土耳其语 tulbend而来的现代拉丁词 tulo pa (我们的 turban 一词在英语中首次记录于16世纪,它也可追溯到奥斯曼土耳其语 tulbend 。

In English, clear unaspirated stops only in the s-word after the first, and Qing aspirated stops in word-initial, two consonants in a complementary distribution : s-after there is no aspirated stops,...


The form of a word or phrase as it is spoken alone is its absolute form; the forms which appear in included positions are its sandhi-forms.Thus,in English, the absolute form of the indefinite article is an emphatic element and the next word begins with a vowel, we have instead a sandhi-form,an, as in "not an uncle,but her unclew."


In a word, mass! Recently undeliberated NB was popular, like old saying of making all clear without mention a word, using Beijing dialect it's much easier --"B-Pretending", represented by part small star blogs and strange name blogs, more over the writing is, the better it can up to people's demands, just like Taiwan entertainment programs, but it cannot be formal, as it's not necessary to collect and publish a book. Talk about Taiwan entertainment programs I had to mention Jacky Wu, this man who was characterized by A use his own power saved many programs, and it's really funny. Recently I always view "People in the Pan", it stands for another Taiwan entertainment character -- imitation, it makes me laughing a lot, and I can refer a sentence from Dong Lu's blog "If Li Yong comes to Taiwan he must lose his job." Fortunately ordinary family cannot see these Taiwan TV Stations, or CCTV cannot defend its market share, in fact it's forced by a loose competitive atmosphere, the fact that Hunan TV is so hot now in China reminds me what an ancester said: a kid became famous only because of there is no hero in world.

这两 年流行的网络文字是不经意间的NB,就像古话说得&不着一字尽得风流&,拿北京话说就简单多了叫&装B&,以部分小明星的博和名字怪异的为代表,文字越潇洒或者越俗越能迎合大家的需求,就像台湾的娱乐节目,不过上不了台面,如果硬要出个书什么的我看大可不必,说起台湾娱乐节目,不能不提吴宗宪,这个活跃舞台几十年的以A为特点的全才中年男子以一己之力养活了很多节目,而且确实很好笑,最近我看的比较多的是全民大闷锅,代表台湾娱乐的又一大特点--模仿,常常能让我前仰后合,不由想到董路 BLOG上的一句话,&如果让李咏去台湾肯定会失业&,还好现在台湾的这些台普通家庭还看不到,不然CCTV一定招架不住,其实说白了都是一个宽松的竞争环境逼的,湖南卫视现在在大陆这么火,让我想到一句话:世无英雄,遂使竖子成名。

But other side , Dark value of oneself yet possess underrating the point , In immediate future the real scenery that lived on the community upper levels at that time may be out of probe into out , Secondly abstracting the element differentiateed Si in the poetry seeps into and also reacts mankind's necessity to the art effect of thinking development , As to taut with dark to spring up is the best instance verse speaking walk but scenery with hills and waters verse coming , It produces the regression to the image as displaying the poetry , But make known the sublimation in the one kind taller step that the poetry was produced , In immediate future in some essence that adjust to conceal the scenery with hills and waters image after pursues , But hoop of this middle , Ought to be undoubtedly that the dark word verse adjust in the firsthand poetry natural abandoing of image , This is that the dark word verse is living at the value location on the history of poetry .


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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
