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I give thanks to the Lord for the Hebraic Root way of studying the Word of God because it has rekindled my love for the Word of God.


Yet God in His mercy looks upon this simple person and provided salvation, ever since encountering the Hebraic perspective of studying the Word of God, the Lord has rekindled my love for His word.


But the word boot that applies to the covring that yu wear on your foot is merely a corruption of the Hindustani word lut,meaning "something plundered."


Neither does she administer the sacraments, as appointed by Christ in His Word, but adds to and takes from them as she thinks proper; she relieth more upon men than upon Christ; and persecutes those who live holily according to the Word of God, and rebuke her for her errors, covetousness, and idolatry.

无论她是否治圣礼,因为任命的基督在他的字,而且直接增加,并从他们的,因为她认为正确的,她relieth多后,男性多於经基督;迫害那些生活holily根据上帝的话,训斥她的错误, covetousness ,和偶像崇拜。

Dont wash your hair for the first three days of the New Year, because the Chinese word for hair is a homonym for the Chinese word for wealth.


Don't wash your hair for the first three days of the New Year, because the Chinese word for hair is a homonym for the Chinese word for wealth.

在新年的前三天里不要洗头,因为8 Tt t 8。

Since this character was taboo on ships., which were not supposed to stop en route,it was changed to kuai , a word homonymous with another word meaning :quick.


The character gao in the word niangao is homonymous with the word "tall", suggesting "growing up and prospering" in the new year.


How does the color word get its name Is there a semantic shift or meaningful focus among the similar color words What is the function of the Chinese homonymous color words and the contrast between the color words The relevant cultural influence and word formation will be analyzed and studied.


In repeated condition, a word in the first sentence was homophonic to a word in the third sentence such that a homophone was presented twice.


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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
