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All word carry on frequency of the word count legal corpus base secondly, divide according to five frequentness law grade.


From the first word to the last word!


The Old English word r ?, one of two ancestors of our word, meant "to emit vapor, steam, or smoke," while the other Old English ancestor, r ?, meant "to fumigate, expose to smoke," or to cause to emit smoke, burn incense.

意为"散发出蒸气或烟"的古英语单词是reocan 的两个词源之一,而另一个古英语词源是recan ,意为"熏,与烟接触,"或"使散发烟,焚香"。

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The word eugenics derives from the Greek word eu and the suffix -genēs, and was coined by Sir Francis Galton in 1883, who defined it as "the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations".


The Old French word was derived from frogne,"grimace," which in turn came from the hypothetical Gaulish word .frogna,"nose," which is related to Welsh ffroen,"nose," and Old Irish sr n,"nose."

古法语词则源自 frogne,"鬼脸,"源自臆测的高卢词·frogna,意为"鼻子",与威尔士语 ffroen,"鼻子"和与古爱尔兰语 sron 意为"鼻子"有关

" The Old French word was derived from frogne,"grimace," which in turn came from the hypothetical Gaulish word .frogna,"nose," which is related to Welsh ffroen,"nose," and Old Irish sr ?,"

古法语词则源自frogne,"鬼脸,"源自臆测的高卢词·frogna,意为"鼻子",与威尔士语ffroen,"鼻子"和与古爱尔兰语 sron 意为"鼻子"有关

Later, assimilation, geminate word and tone sandhi are studied at the word tier.


The word "xeneize" is Genoese dialect for the standard-Italian word "genovesi," which means "Genoese"


29 Word for word, what did you say to Georgie exactly


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
