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On the analysis foundation for the at the same time generator control law of permanent magnetisms have discussed the at the same time generator word of permanent magnetism of niter quantity to melt the function of every control son modular in control system and the specific ay of realizing, have put forward a set of at the same time generator word of permanent magnetism of entire quantity to melt the specific enforcement of control scheme, and according to this set of scheme having established the synchronous generator of permanent magnetism based on Simulink the word of entire quantity melts to control emulation model, for the control made scheme emulate to analyses.

在对永磁同步电机控制规律的分析基础之上,讨论了永磁同步电机全数字化控制系统中各个控制子模块的功能和具体的实现方式,提出了一套永磁同步电机全数字化控制的具体实施方案,并根据这套方案建立了基于 Simulink的永磁同步电机全数字化控制仿真模型,对所出的控制方案进行了仿真分析。

A nonce word is a word coined usually in imitation of the familiar word for a particular occasion and accepted into general usage.


PACA could reveal the source of word naming difficulty and help us to analyze and identify the impaired level of word processing in word naming. PACA could provide more specified information for naming difficulty treatment.


It includes the whole thing as a state of physical or word and Xiangxingzi constitute the basis of the word refers to things, but also by a number of monomer Xiangxingzi a combination of the words and was planned Pictophonetic word.


The Logos has not for him the Stoic meaning that it so often had for Philo: it is not the impersonal power that sustains the world, nor the law that regulates it; neither do we find in St. John the Platonistic concept of the Logos as the ideal model of the world; the Word is for him the Word of God, and thereby he holds with Jewish tradition, the theology of the Book of Wisdom, of the Psalms, of the Prophetical Books, and of Genesis; he perfects the idea and transforms it by showing that this creative Word which from all eternity was in God and was God, took flesh and dwelt among men.


The result that such causing is, to product key word, the home page that stands because of intranet nothing more than it is company brief introduction, the product is revealed, the extraction content of news center respect, fixed position of entrance of result of key word search is in home page, the user is returned from page of product of home page reentrance, if your product navigation is done,not be so good, the user can not find a product easily certainly, so the Google rank of product key word does not have how old meaning actually.


T"、 come under ts, ts", s, front—rhonchus vowels and back—rhonchus vowels incorporate, becoming nasal vowels, and so onAbout grammar,the article chiefly describes word-building and word classes, which embody the characters of Ying County dialect"s grammar.word-building includes: the divided-syllable words and the combined -syllable words, superposition、 the suffix of "Er"、 the suffix of "zi、 affix.


The Old French word probably came from Italian limone, another step on the route that leads back to the Arabic word laymn or lmn, which comes from the Persian word lmn.

这个古代法语单词很可能来源于意大利单词 limone,这就更朝前一步地回到了阿拉伯语中的 laymun或 limun,这一单词来源于波斯语 limun

RSV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

新译本 太初有道,道与上帝同在,道就是上帝。

The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
