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与 word-painting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, we review the former achievement of the study disyllable word and transferred-designation. Thirdly, we point out the shortage in study of transferred-designation, and draw out the articles main content: to conclude type of the disyllable word shifted from verb to noun; to make the explanation to the disyllable word shifted from verb to noun from the semantics and the cognition two angles.


That map contains an entry for each unique word in the input file. The map associates with each word the set of line numbers on which that word appeared.

map 容器为输入文件中的每个单词建立唯一的元素,由每个单词关联的 set 容器记录了该单词出现的行号。

New dictionary with word piece is vocabulary entry, use word piece and word piece the semantic connection between rises series connection of each vocabulary entry, make consult more convenient, make memory easier.


No word is a word of bad omen," said Epictetus,"which expresses any work of nature; or if it is so, it is also a word of bad omen to speak of the ears of corn being reaped.


Some people may think so much good ah, I as far as possible in the META that much key word divides in oneself, such search engine can give him more chances probably, actually such key word does not have real significance at all to your website, overmuch false key word still can be punished certainly likely.


Want us not to want to go intentionally only key word of load one's writing with fancy phrases, do not become a few false key word, density of home page key word is in 3%7% is advisable, also do not exceed 10% at most.


The word woodchuck is probably a folk etymology of a New England Algonquian word—that is, English-speaking settlers "translated" the Indian word into a compound of two words that made sense to them in light of the animal's habitat.

woodchuck 这个词可能是新英格兰阿尔贡金语中民间起源的语汇──就是说,讲英语的殖民者的把这个印度语单词根据这种动物的习性"翻"成了两个字的合成词,以使其有意义

Folk etymology—the process by which an unfamiliar element in a word is changed to resemble a more familiar word,often one that is semantically associated with the word being refashioned—has triumphed once again,thus denying us the direct borrowing of aru-aru and giving us arrowroot instead.

词的通俗变化就是比较陌生的词被比较熟悉的词所替代的过程,常常是被一个语义上与被翻新的词有联系的词。这里,通俗词汇学又一次取得胜利,不允许我们直接借用 aru-aru ,而是另给了我们一个 arrowroot 。

The word comes from the Greek term "graphein" and the word "graffiti" itself is plural of the Italian word "graffito".


As the word becomes more and more common , we remove the hyphen and the double word now becomes a single word .


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
