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与 word-painting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the Yanomamo of South America the word to eat is the same as the word for copulate, and the word for pregnant is the same as the word for satiated or full-fed.


From his point of view, the meaning of a word is subject to its own context. To free the word from its context is regarded as a countermovement of the process of the classic 'construction', and he names it 'deconstruction'. The 'deconstruction' provides a broad yet inane space for the individual word to acquire its intended meaning. Just as Hegel said when the void of a word inclines to infinity, its intended meaning approaches nothingness.


We put forward some new ideas, such as: About the kernel word "tree", Whether "Mu" has the tendency to refer to the tall trees in terms of "Shu" and "Mu"; About the word "sun", we analyze the reason why "Taiyang" has been used until now, but "Daming" which has the same way of construction with "Taiyang" has disappeared for a long time;About the kernel word "swim", we think that "You" is not the same with "Youyong", and takes"swim" as an obvious kernel word which has dual characters in historic and etymologic significance; About the kernel word "sit", though refers to a posture that differes in ancient time and modern days, did not change the meaning of itself, but changes in semantic field.


Firstly, it's proved that the base of free monoid is unique, and that the equation of a base, a generating set and a irreducible generating set in the semigroup with length; Secondly, it's given the relation of a primitive word and a word of indecomposable--Let and is indecomposable, then is primitive ;And by using the length's method and chart,some properties of primitive word have been proved and the solutions of the equation , are discussed; Lastly, on the base of some proposition in Free monoids and Languages ,the proofs of some properties are improved by instruction. For example: Let be a primitive word over X, where .Then is a code. And let then if and only if {} is a code.


Sixty-nine years ago today, a ghost word was outed from its hiding place on page 771 of Webster's New International Dictionary, where it had spent five comfortable years. Dord started life on a slip of paper prepared by the lexicon's chemistry editor, who noted that "D or d" was an abbreviation for density. A serendipitous misinterpretation saw the entry being read as a single word, dord, and it was accordingly registered and printed up as a noun with the meaning "density." No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished.

六十九年前的今天,一个谜一样的词被世人发现,这个词在韦伯斯特新国际字典的771页整整藏了5年Dord一词因为一张小纸片而开始了它的生涯,这张小纸片是由lexicon的化学主编准备的,他标注出了"D or d"是密度的缩写这条记录很偶然的被认为是一个完整的单词,dord之后它被作为一个名词收入词典并印刷出来,意思是"密度"所有的校对人员都没有发现这个错误,但是五年后,一名编辑注意到这个词没有词源,然后他开始溯源并最终将这个词从词典中去除

Enters "the establishment" the option, passes "the word stock choice" the option, chooses between some two letter scope to belong to the corresponding word stock glossary, the user in the designation word stock (CET4, CET6, GRE, TOFEL, GMAT, high school, after new word this) and letter scope, this function can automatic or the manual circulation demonstration belongs to between this word stock 2 letter scope glossary, may according to own need, demonstrate the speed (may establish fast, medium speed, idling speed), pronunciation way (manual pronunciation, automatic pronunciation), trundle pattern manual circulation, autocycle


And he is all for simplicity: If we would have religion 'lapped and folden in one word, for that thou shouldst have better hold thereupon, take thee but a little word of one syllable: for so it is better than of two, for even the shorter it is the better it accordeth with the work of the Spirit. And such a word is this word God or this word love.


It is well known that the vocabulary of English word is very large, so if learners just recite every word independently, they cannot keep their memory long. In order to keep the memory of word effectively and firmly, one should grasp the basic word-building elements, and then recite the word systemically and relationally according to its relationship with other words and its own pronunciation, form and meaning. It is also necessary to grasp the rule of the words' change and transform in every aspects, turn rote reciting into comprehension reciting, singleness reciting into colony reciting, stiffness reciting into agility reciting.


The Soviet horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body creates not only the composed word quantity surpasses the bold word, in the quality also has many lets the excellent work which the human junction declares approves, his composed word from becomes a standard, since also has inherited the writing technique which the late Tang the composed word has expressed feelings tactfully, breaks through the traditional composed word fragrant soft waste colorful tradition fetter, in the technique has been more dexterous nimbly, tangled up tactful, has poured into the vigor and the vitality for the traditional composed word, shines upon him to take the literary intelligentsia writer's esthetic interest and his outstanding culture moral character, have the brand-new esthetic sense style.


Word Scramble Game - Word Puzzle - Using a short dictionary.txt file, this program chooses a random 6 letter word and scambles it to find every possible 2-letter word to 6-letter word combination of the letters from the original 6-letter word.


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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
