英语人>网络例句>word-painting 相关的网络例句

查询词典 word-painting

与 word-painting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Build vocab skills by playing game of Word Ladder and Hangman, while making friends with whom to practice speaking.


Nowadays, if a univerity graduate want to be accepted by the social .he or she must be "multi-ability person",that is to say ,he or she should have the ability using computers and foreign language .i believe it enough to demonstratemy capacity in practical english,which will meet your demand most.and also specialize in computer application .i pass the computer examination and achieved the band two.i can operate the windows systerm and micosoft word hardily and so on.

现代经济社会以来,要求的是"复合型"人才我深深的体会到了这一点。在课余之际,我积极参加社会活动,还凭借自己的努力,通过了大学英语四级,湖南省计算机二级,普通话二级已级。使我对windows和word,excel 等一些办公软件较为熟悉。在市场经济对人才的"懂外语,懂电脑,懂法律"的要求下,我已初步拿到了21世纪的通行证。身体是干工作的本钱。我对体育锻炼非常的重视,在班级和学校的社团里,多次进行排球。

We wanted to have a Word control similar to the HTML editor to become a part of the application.


Ichthys, a Greek word and part of the term Ichthyosis means,'fish' which refers to the appearance of this disease.

ichthys ,希腊Word和部分的任期鱼鳞病的手段,'鱼'是指出现这种疾病。

Features HTML page and image generation, table of contents, index and search, images with hotspots and export to Word.

特别推出 HTML 页面和图像生成,表格内容,索引和搜索,带有热区的图像以及导出到 Word 文档的功能。

A judge on Tuesday ordered Microsoft to stop selling Word, one of its premier products, in its current form due to patent infringement.


This tip is helpful when you are doing lots of formating in Word or Excel sheets.


In the layout analysis, we chose a bottom-up algorithm based on nearest neighbor connect-strength and line confidence to segment the image area, table area and text area; In the printed Chinese character recognition module, we calculate the degree of incorporative difference to match the character, also define a refusal class which could orientate the mathematical expression automatically; Put the expression into the formula processing module, then we chose the character segmentation method based on connectivity and the template match method to recognize the character in the mathematical expression and at last we used the structure analysis based on the character to transform the two dimension formula into one dimension Word EQ expression.

在版面分析中,采用基于最近邻连接强度和行列可信度的自底向上的版面分析算法,分割出图像区域、表格区域和文本区域;在汉字识别模块中,采用回溯切分方法切分出字符段,计算合并差异度与特征字典比较,通过引入汉字的拒识类,从而实现了公式的定位;将定位后的数学公式送入公式识别器,在公式识别器中采用基于连通域搜索的字符分割方法和模板匹配方法对字符识别,对于识别出的字符,再采用基于特征字符的结构分析方法,从而将二维的数学公式转化为一维的Word EO域语句。

Three index softs were analyzed such as The Star Of Index, WORD and the soft myself.


In the "Insert File" dialog window, select all Word documents that you want to merge and combine into one.


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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
