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与 word-painter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It proposes"the method of Chinese input with the combination of word and sentence"and discusses its feasibility and its rationality from different points of view. It puts forward concepts of active word and stable word and then it discusses an ideal pattern for homophonic word recognition with the use of this input method.


To capture the mantic integrity and the intension of the user query, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Chinese integrated word and presents three methods for its automatic detection by combining the mutual information, the prefix and suffix information of integrity word and the confidence for the integrated word. We further design and realize three prototype systems for Chinese integrated word identification based on the proposed overall confidence, partial-confidence and weighted joint confidence methods respectively.


Man's origin; The Magism of God; Man, the continuation or recommencement of God; Door of Light and love in Man; How to attain God's Action; The Fall; Human institutions derive from above; Blood of clean animals; The Exodus; Law of Sacrifices; Three degrees of abominations; Mosaic law preparatory to spiritual law; Man delivered from prison of his blood; The Eucharist; Progress of individual man towards Canaan; The perfecting of our faculties hereafter requires sacrifice of all here; God's love and Man's insensibility; The work of the man of faith reacts on the whole tree of Man; On the Word: The Word sustains all things; The Words requires an apprenticeship; The true Cross; The substance of men's words; Power of the enemy during night; Duties, responsibilities, and misdirection of literary men; Religious literature; Gradations in Adam's fall; Demonstration of God and the soul; The sublime is God, and all that connects us with Him; Ministers of the Word withholding the key of knowledge; Desire, the principle of movement; Three degrees of the Word; Progressive names, stat es, and processes; Who should teach the deep things of God; Eternity in a point of time.


It shows that external source credibility of word-of-mouth can affect consumer's selection intention, regardless of source in the physical word-of-mouth or in the on-line word-of-mouth.And Internal factors of receiver, there are receiver's expertise, perceived risk, actively sough, has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between external source credibility of word-of-mouth and consumer's selection intention.


Gemetria, which consists in the use of the numerical values of the letters of a word for purposes comparison with other words, which give the same or similar combinations of numbers: thus in Genesis 49:10,"Shiloh come" is equivalent to 358, which is also the numerical value of Mashiah, whence it is inferred that Shiloh is identical with Messias; the Notarikon, or process of reconstructing a word by using the initials of many, or a sentence by using all the letters of a single word as so many initials of other words; for instance, the word Agla is formed from the initials of the Hebrew sentence: Thou Mighty forever.

,其中包括在使用数值价值观的信一个字的目的比较换句话说,使相同或相似的组合的号码:因此,在创世记49:10 ,&希洛来&等於358 ,这也是数值Mashiah ,何处这是推断,希洛是相同的弭赛亚;的Notarikon (拉丁文notarius ),或重建过程中的一个字的开头字母使用了许多,或一个句子使用的所有信一个字为如此众多的缩写换句话说;举例来说,这个词是Agla的开头字母组成的希伯来文的句子:你条坚强的永远。

Gemetria, which consists in the use of the numerical values of the letters of a word for purposes comparison with other words, which give the same or similar combinations of numbers: thus in Genesis 49:10,"Shiloh come" is equivalent to 358, which is also the numerical value of Mashiah, whence it is inferred that Shiloh is identical with Messias; the Notarikon, or process of reconstructing a word by using the initials of many, or a sentence by using all the letters of a single word as so many initials of other words; for instance, the word Agla is formed from the initials of the Hebrew sentence: Thou Mighty forever.

,其中在使用数值价值观的英文字母一个单词为目的的比较与其他换句话说,它使相同或相似的组合号码:因此,在成因49:10 ,&希洛来&,是相等于358 ,这也是数值mashiah ,何时这是推断,希洛是完全相同的messias ; notarikon (拉丁语notarius ),或重建过程中一言用英文缩写很多,或句子用所有信件的片言只字,因为有这么多的英文缩写,换句话说;举例来说,这个词agla是形成了由字母,希伯莱一句:&你条,浩浩荡荡永远的&。

The brigade of discharge, actually, update you every day, if do not go on your key word, also be infructuous, light gives you a good word, without material benefit, still do not have motivation, but, if update your station every day, so, the job with bad what is the key word that make a point also what is popular key word?


The novice makes a rank, do not do do not have meaninglessly to the term, want to do, do have simply to the term, also can call long end key word, for instance SEO, this just proves an instrument of own actual strength, but your potential client, namely old bosses, search of very few meeting this word, meet however the word that search suits him to need more, for instance SEO electron book has etc to the term, these namely the long end key word of SEO.


Quasi-prefix/word family/word formation/connotation 知识词典 An Exploration of a Contemporary Neological word Family of "零+X" Zhang YishengThis paper analyzes and explains a contemporary word family with the pattern of "零+X"from the perspectives of construction/collocation,expression/comprehension,and development/change.


Among them in order to connect false word, Gu Jin different justice, one word is much justice, parts of words is used alive, slant justice 5 kinds of phenomena such as answer word are most typical, if examinee can be in,for reference when these substantival phenomena in seizing teaching material closely, undertake appropriate classify is summed up, be familiar with metabolic rule, so, although check does not have confident notional word, also can figure roughly the meaning that gives it.


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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
