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Josephus and Philo apply the word "philosophy" to Jewish teaching, and there can be no doubt that it was applied so in Coloss., ii; some of its details are given in 16-23:(1) The false teachers wished to introduce the observance of Sabbaths, new moons, and other such days.

约瑟夫和斐洛应用Word &哲学&犹太教学,并有可毫无疑问,这是适用,所以在coloss 。第一,第二;它的一些细节,给出了在16日至23日:( 1 )虚假的教师希望引进遵守安息日,新的卫星,以及其他如天。

Yang Lin takes charge for the network searching aspect,the emphases of which is to make the searching compacter and exacter through reducing search bound and combine with Word better so people can copy the things we searched more convenient when edit.


Dinkum Word, look from now that simply one SB.


Other aspects: to master a certain degree of English, Mandarin, skilled offic, Word Excel and other office software, basic welders, fitters, and other operations.

其他方面:掌握一定程度的英语,普通话,熟练offic, Word Excel等办公软件操作,会基本的焊工、钳工操作等。

The character of the book as regards the creative Wisdom, Word, and Spirit indicates a stage prior to the Philonic system, and the Biblical story shows a haggadic form still fresh and not yet compressed into a rigid system, as in Philo see Siegfried,"Philo von Alexandria," pp.

性质的图书至於创造性的智慧, Word和精神表明一个阶段之前Philonic制度和圣经故事的形式显示haggadic仍然记忆犹新,并没有压缩成一个硬性的制度,如在斐罗(见齐格弗里德,&亚历山大冯斐罗&页。

After decades at the Agency, he has perfected the look and the attitude of a career spook. He wears a smart dark suit and that inevitable flourish of the house eccentric, a bow tie. Osborne's Olympian contempt for his superiors, his overcareful pronunciation of French words, the modest shock value of a Princeton man spicing every sentence with the f-word — all these mark him as hailing from that generation and class of American spies who considered themselves more knowledgeable, hard-thinking and highly pedigreed than the politicians they worked for, yet who managed to miss the collapse of the Soviet Union, the international ambitions of al-Qaeda and the existence in their midst of Soviet-paid moles like Aldrich Ames.

在中情局工作数十年后,在一次关于他职业的谈话中表现的很&完美&:考究的暗色西服,不可避免的一屋子怪癖,一个蝴蝶结,他严肃的蔑视自己的长官,对法语单词严谨的发音,在每个句子里都有的f-word,这些都表明他是那种间谍认为自己只是的阶层和时代,为他们效力的政客努力思考并高度注意来历的,设法达成对苏联解体的回避,对基地组织的国际性报复和在他们之中像Aldrich Ames那样苏联间谍的存在。

However,you can also operate Word in Overtype mode,so that what you type replaces any text that's in the way rather than pushing it to the right.


The electronic exercises and graduation thesis of university students mostly are based on Word documents at present,but there exists plagiarization by copying and pasting.


The Greek term is a rendering of the word Qoheleth, generally translated "preacher," although the precise meaning is not clear.

对希腊来说,是一种渲染的Word qoheleth ,一般翻译&的布道者,&虽然确切含义并不清楚。

Irenus, in his work "Against Heresies"(AD 182-88), testifies to the existence of a Tetramorph, or Quadriform Gospel, given by the Word and unified by one Spirit; to repudiate this Gospel or any part of it, as did the Alogi and Marcionites, was to sin against revelation and the Spirit of God.

irenus ,在他的作品&对异端邪说&(公元182-88 ),证明确实存在一种tetramorph ,或quadriform福音,由Word和统一的一个精神;推翻这个福音或任何部分,因为没有该尔罗基和marcionites ,是对单的启示与上帝的精神。

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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
