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与 word-painter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to the functions of Word styles to quickly format the title away from synchronization, but also the idea of "document structure" function to help us quickly position in the document.


Other comments on the Townhall topic suggestion thread include the decline of quality stories in general, biased political coverage, Digg forums, word-based blocking, exposing buries again!

其他的评论市政厅话题的建议,包括线程下降,质量的故事一般,偏颇的政治性报道, digg论坛时, Word会基于封锁,揭露埋

This paper proposes the concepts of EORD and WORD by extending the traditionary Object Relation Diagram.


A 192 Hz tuning fork is held in front of a blank word document screen of a computer.

在一台开着一个空白 word 文档的电脑屏幕前,放置一个192赫兹的音叉。

Word sized memory access is allowed to unaligned memory addresses. Words are stored in the

字组(word, 4字节)长度的内存存取允许不对齐内存地址,字组是以低位字节在前的顺序储存在内存中。

Novatian declares that there is indeed but one God, unbegotten, invisible, immense, immortal; the Word, His Son, is a substance that proceeds from Him, whose generation no apostle nor angel nor any creature can declare.

Novatian宣布,确实只有一个上帝, unbegotten ,无形的,巨大的,不朽的;的Word ,他的儿子,是一个物质,从他的收益其代使徒也没有天使也没有任何生物可以宣布。

I am the woman with the seven children whose father went far oversea,and while I was weeping over his absence, word was brought to me that a house had fallen in and buried my children in its ruins; and now I no longer know for whom I weep or for whom my hair is unbound.

我是女人的7个孩子的父亲目前海外的,而我是哭了他缺席的情况下, Word会被带到我的房子已经下降,埋在我的孩子在废墟;现在,我不再知道我的人哭或我的头发是约束。

JB: The L Word has been really important in that it has been an honor to be of service to people and to give representation to a community that was relatively unrepresented in mainstream culture.

参演《The L Word》对我来说一直都是非常重要的体验,可以服务人民、可以代表一个在主流文化里相当受到忽略的团体,那一直是我的荣幸。

By using a key word, I would say that Adam ate the ap- ple because of his uxoriousness..

本例句之举例说明「亚当吃苹果,因为爱老婆」,而所谓的…a key word,…,就是…uxoriousness。,整句举例看来,还是没头没脑的蹦出来。

Tabulation of the types of places including: left-justified, center-justified, right-justified, decimal point, such as alignment and vertical alignment, the tab stop to use roughly the same, here only papers in accordance with the requirements of the formula and directory layout tabulation of the production as an example of the use of digital methods and results, a more detailed explanation please refer to the help of Word documents.

制表位的类型包括:左对齐,居中对齐,右对齐,小数点对齐和竖线对齐等,这些制表位的使用方法大致相同,这里仅根据论文中公式排版的要求和目录的制作为例说明制表位的使用方法和效果,更详细的说明请参阅 Word 的帮助文档。

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Pedestrians Is Another Word For Speedbump
Don't Say A Word
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
I Know There's A Word
A Better Word For Love
Not A Single Word About This
Obsession Is Such An Ugly Word
Thy Word
Word By Word
Word After Word

But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
