查询词典 woodchuck day
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Each day that one or more sorties are flown in accordance with the criteria shall count as one day towards the 30 consecutive or 60 nonconsecutive day requirement.
While participating as a regularly assigned air crew member flying sorties into, out of, within, or over Afghanistan in direct support of OEF; each day that one or more sorties are flown in accordance with the criteria shall count as one day towards the 30 consecutive or 60 nonconsecutive day requirement.
While participating as a regularly assigned air crew member flying sorties into, out of, within, or over Iraq in direct support of OIF; each day that one or more sorties are flown in accordance with the criteria shall count as one day towards the 30 consecutive or 60 nonconsecutive day requirement.
Through DOT-blot hybridiztion the result indicated SA215 and SA215 were of the same distribution on animal ,simply planting the following trigeminal ganglion .21-day-old SPF pigs inoculated intramuscularly SA215 strain could be protected from being affected at day 28 after oronasal challenge-exposure with 106 PF.U high-dose virulent PRV Fa strain and at day 42 after i.m.
SAZ巧株lml接种21日龄健康仔猪(伪狂犬病和猪瘟检测阴性),在接种后28天用10毕FU的PRV Fa强毒株进行滴鼻攻毒,42天用猪瘟强毒SM株血毒lml肌肉注射攻击,结果表明接种猪能抵御两次病毒攻击,而同条件下对照结果成立,表明SAZ 15株具有良好免疫原性。
TyPe II collagen induced arthritisln the rat ank1e joint andoVathumin as antigen induced arthritis WA in the rabbit knee joint wereestab1ish2 Qualitative evaluation of me in skin, muscle, synovium, cedilagearound joint and blood was performed by OMA3 The CIA rats were treated on day 7 after hind paw swelling and erythemaAnimals were injected intravenously with ase at a dose of 10mg/kg,tWenty minuots 1ater, one ankle of the rats random1y assigned was exPosedlaser irradiation at l00J/cm fOr l000 seconds, and another ankle wasM grouP wihout laser The other two groups is unmanipulatedcontrol group and untreated CIA group Bimaleolar ankle widthmeasuremellts were taken in all animals every tWo days using amicrometer The histopathology of the ank1e Joint was assessed at day 21after disease onset4 The pro1iferating cell nuclear antigen WCNA of CIA treated by PDT andthe HMME group without laser was doterdrined by immunohistochemiStry5 The AfA rabbits were treated on day 7 after knee swelling and erythemaThe theraPy invo1ved lntravenous injection of l0mg/kg HMME, fOl1owedby 20 minues period in dim light, and transdermal light treatment with\l00 J/cm2 fOr l000 seconds The inner sides of the treated Anees wereirradiated at first, and then the outer side did 24 hours later, the synovialtissue of the Anees joint were removed and in situ cel1 aPoptosis wasdetCCted With tednal deoxync1eotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nickend labelingR6suIt8:l The pathologic changes of CIA and AIA include subsynovial inflammation,opovial hyPerplasia, pannus formation, cartilage and bone destructionresemble RA.2 The studies demonstrated that there are different uptake of HMME withinskin, muscle, synovium, cartilage and b1ood, and the synovium cou1draPidly uPtake more ase than skin and cartilage at the firSt 30 minuesaller intravenous injection of HMME3 The bimaleolar anke width had no different among PDT treated group,H group withollt 1aser and untreated CIA group But hlstologicalevaluation showed statiStical1y significallt reductions in synovialhyperplasia, pannus formation and cart1lage reosion, bone destruction andtotal score in PDT treated group4 Image analysis showed that the ratlo bforeen the areas of the coufltedobect to that of the entire area in PDTtreated grOup is lower than that in conirol group, but the integrated oPticaldensity had no different between the two groups5 Imape analysis showed that the ratio between the area of the countedobject to that of the e
治疗组在大鼠出现踝关节红肿后1周,炎症达到高峰时进行PDT治疗。随机治疗大鼠一侧的踝关节,另。2。一一侧作单纯HMME 对照。治疗方法是大鼠麻醉后尾静脉注入 HMME10ngkg,20分钟后踝关节照光,激光波长627.sum,功率密度 100mwcm',照射时间1000秒,能量密度100)/。治疗后避光喂养72 小时。隔日一次测量大鼠的踝关节左右横径,治疗后两周取关节进行病理d 观察。 4。大鼠CIA模型用上述方法进行PDT治疗后,治疗组和单纯HMME 组用兔疫组化SP法检测石蜡切片的核增殖抗原。 5。兔AIA模型在关节炎出现第七天进行PDT治疗,随机治疗一侧膝关节,另一侧作自身对照。兔耳静脉注入I'arrainrelomg/Kg,20分钟后,膝关节用金蒸气激光照射,激光能量密度100)儿旷。24 /J'时后取膝关节滑膜作病理检查,并用脱氧核昔酸末端转移酶介导的缺口末端标记法原位检测凋亡细胞。结果: 1。模型观察:CIA大鼠炎症高峰期滑膜下炎细胞浸润明显,滑膜细胞明显增殖,炎症达到高峰后二周,血管缀形成,并侵蚀和破坏软骨和骨, CIA模型病理改变与人类RA相似。兔AIA模型膝关节滑膜病理可见滑膜细胞增生,滑膜下炎细胞浸润,也与人类RA滑膜改变相似。 2。关节周围组织中光敏剂含量的测定结果表明,各组织对HMME 的吸收速度和吸收量不同,荧光值一时间曲线不同,滑膜组织比皮肤和软骨对 HMME的吸收多,在 2 0分钟时即有明显差异。 3.PDT对CIA模型的治疗结果表明:PDT治疗后关节炎组、单纯 HMME组和治疗组踝关节左右横径统计学检验差异没有显著性,但病理评分PDT治疗组滑膜增生、血管资形成及软骨破坏、骨破坏和总分比关节炎对照组和HMME对照组好,统计学检验差异有显著性。。3_军医进修学院硕士学位论文中文摘要 4.PDT治疗组PCNA阳性细胞较对照组少,图像分析结果表明面密度(阳性染色的面积总和与统计视野面积的比值)治疗组小于对照组,统计学检验差异有显著性。。 5.PDT治疗组凋亡阳性细胞较对照组明显增多,图像分析结果单位视野内阳性细胞数和面密度PDT治疗组高于对照组,统计学检验差异有显著性。凋亡细胞核直径PDT治疗组较小,与对照组相比,统计学检验差异有显著性。结论:二。CIA、AIA的病理改变类似人类RA,可作为研究RA病因、发病机制、检查及治疗方法的模型。 2。各组织对HMME的吸收速度和吸收量不同,滑膜组织比皮。
Finally, the day following the parasceve on which Jesus died is called "a great sabbath day"(John 19:31), either to denote its occurrence in the paschal week or to distinguish it from the preceding pasch, or day of minor rest.
最后,翌日parasceve对耶稣死亡的,是所谓&伟大的安息日&(约翰福音19时31分),要么是指它的出现,在逾越节一周或以区别于由前款pasch ,或者一天的小休息。
In a randomized, multicenter trial, 341 patients with moderate or extensive bullous pemphigoid received large doses of high-potency topical corticosteroids -- either topical clobetasolpropionate cream (40 g per day) or oral prednisone (0.5 mg perkilogram of body weight per day for those with moderate diseaseand 1 mg/kg/day for those with extensive disease)-- applied over their entire body.
在此次追踪多中心的试验中,341位中度或广泛性大水疱性类天疱疮患者接受大剂量较强外用皮质肾上腺类脂醇全身治疗──使用外用clobetasol propionate乳剂(40g/日)或者口服prednisone(中度患者0.5mg/千克体重/日,重度患者1mg/千克体重/日)。
RESULTS: On day 2 after PH, oval cells began to proliferate around the portal area, and matrilin-2 deposition was observed in the hepatic sinusoids in the periportal area. On day 9, proliferating oval cells were present in the hepatic acini, and matrilin-2 upregulation was noted. On day 12, as oval cells differentiated to form hepatocellular nodules, matrilin-2 was distributed mainly in the periphery of the nodules, and little protein was present in the nodules.
结果: 肝脏部分切除术(partial hepatectomy, PH)后第2天,卵圆细胞开始向门静脉周围区域增殖, Matrilin-2主要出现在门静脉周围的肝窦状隙内;术后第9天,卵圆细胞进一步向肝实质内增殖, Matrilin-2表达增加;术后第12天,随着卵圆细胞分化为小肝细胞结节,大多数Matrilin-2位于结节周边,少数出现在结节内。
Results While the ES lumen and perisaccular region were infiltrated with mononeuclear-phagocyte at the 3rd day post-vaccination, plasmocyte and lymphatic cells become the predominant infiltrating cells in the ES at the 7th day. The KLH in the ES lumen were phagocytized at the 3-7th day post-vaccination.
结果 内耳受抗原刺激后3 d内淋巴囊囊腔和囊周区域出现单核吞噬细胞浸润,7 d内淋巴囊的浆细胞和淋巴细胞大量增加;3~7 d内淋巴囊囊腔KLH被吞噬,同时S期细胞和IgG阳性细胞逐渐增多,二者的出现部位相似。
On the third day, fifth day, and seventh day, per cent cuttings rooted, number of roots/primordia per cutting, and the average RL were determined.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Woodchuck
- Tamale
- Day By Day
- Day Oh
- Ground Hog's Day
- All Day Sucker
- Woodchuck
- The Night Time Is The Right Time
- (Night Time Is) The Right Time
- Forever And A Day
- 推荐网络例句
Add it into your food such as to yogurt, cottage cheese and such.
The man was rescued about three hours later when his partner arrived home, SAPA said.
At that time, I am very happy!