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wood key相关的网络例句

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与 wood key 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stationmaster net on March 10 message, according to 114 the high level of company of wind of wood of rain forest of the person that network address navigation establishs discloses, its will throw 30 million dollars to develop 115 aggregate searches, prospective key will be put in U of 115 aggregate searches, 115 networks dish and on the project such as 115 mailbox.


The key technology is the guarantee of wood materials high filler content, products have to meet the lower production cost and higher performance.


Apriona swainsoni is an important wood borer harmful to Sophora japonica. To study the ecological characteristics of the A. swainsoni is of key and significant importance to the prediction, forecast and effective control of the insect. Based on a sample survey to the damaged S. japonica.


Bis. The woman took a key from a long range of others that hung over the mantel-piece, and a wax candle from a bracket in a corner of the room, and having lighted the candle, led the way across the stone-paved hall, and up a broad slippery staircase of polished wood.


A plain or notched , often wedge shaped piece of wood or metal designed to hold parts of a machine or structure in place or provide a bearing surface , usually adjusted by a screw or key .

扁柱,夹条,凹字形楔一种平的或有凹的经常是一块楔形的木头或金属,用来在一定地方夹住机器或结构的各部分或提供轴承的表面,通常是由螺丝或钥匙来调整A plain

There are 7 districts under the jurisdiction of Dague. Key industries of the city include fiber, machinery, wood arts, glass frame, umbrella and bicycle etc.


The inorganic composition of DCS in DIP is the key factor resulting in deposition of wood pitch, in which the triglyceride composition is agglomerated and deposited due to the destruction of electrostatic stability, however the fatty acid composition is deposited due to the formation of insoluble soap.

研究结果表明,DCS 中的无机溶解性组分是引起胶体发生沉积的关键因素,树脂中甘油三酯通过破坏静电稳定性引起聚集和沉积,脂肪酸通过反应形成黏性不溶性皂而加剧沉积。

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Key Entity Extraction II: Holly Wood The Cracked

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
