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without error相关的网络例句

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与 without error 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The AFM head is mounted without Abbe error in the X and Y directions.


That check and handle error conditions without additional programmer intervention.


In this paper, the sine and cosine shaped sensors have been designed by using the integral characteristics of PVDF piezoelectric film. The sine PVDF sensor can be used alone to measure the displacement, speed, acceleration, stain, stress of the roof beam vibration; the cosine PVDF sensor can be used alone to measure the angular displacement and shear of the roof beam vibration; by using them jointly , the structural intensity can be measured for the roof beam without any finite differential error.


Without acquiring the basic skill in bees keeping an intending Apiculturist will be wasting his time and money doing trial and error methods.


I am saved at that time " examine immediately " basic characteristic is: 1Of.1POCT cover a range wide, the testing instrument model of same item amounts to 7~8 to plant. 1.2POCT all is placed in clinical the outpatient service of each division, emergency call and ward, the apparatus is almost entire by groom without POCT operation post already card, lack again examine the operation of the member that be not identifier of basic knowledge. 1.3POCT assures measure without quality, examine the specimen is collected, reagent is purchased and save all compare optional, be opposite extremely between the instrument experiment, do not have room endoplasm to accuse already at ordinary times, do not have again judge character between the room, examine quality is in nobody to run state. Of 1.4POCT detect result error is big, repeatability of partial instrument result is poor, the hospital examined 2002 3 hospitals selectived examination randomly in division quality assessment, 45 second large biochemistry appearance detects contrasting POCT blood sugar, its written guarantee...


Without imposing any additional constraint or changing the error criteria, this dissertation extends the original CIM to solve the three dimensional LS-WMN problem (the weighted minimum number polygonal approximation problem with the line segment error criterion).


A new switching scheme to the gain of variable structure control signals is proposed. The following important open problems in standard VS-MRAC and MRAC are solved by using the scheme: 1 . a prespecified transient and steady-state performance index for tracking error can be achieved without requiring any information about the plant high frequency gain sign when relative degree of modelled part of plant is one, and 2 . it is shown that as long as the performance indexes are guaranteed for the auxiliary errors, each of which in dynamics is a sub-system with relative degree one, the tracing error will converge to a small residual set in a prespecified transient time when relative degree of modelled part of plant is greater than one.

提出了一种控制增益可切换的变结构自适应律,解决了如下变结构模型参考自适应控制(包括基于调参律的模型参考自适应控制)理论研究中长期没有解决的问题:当对象建模部分相对阶为1、高频增益符号未知且存在非线性输入扰动和未建模动态等情况下,系统跟踪误差可满足预先给定的动态和稳态性能指标;当对象建模部分相对阶大于1且存在非线性输入扰动和未建模动态时,可保证系统跟踪误差在预先给定的过渡过程时间内收敛到一个残差集中; 5。

Rochester: Well, then Jane, call to aid your fancy—suppose you were no longer a girl well reared and disciplined, but a wild boy indulged from childhood upwards; imagine yourself in a remote foreign land; conceive that you there commit a capital error, no matter of what nature or from what motives, but one whose consequences must follow you through life and taint all your Mind I don't say a CRIME; I am not speaking of shedding of blood or any other guilty act, which might make the perpetrator amenable to the law: my word is The results of what you have done become in time to you utterly insupportable; you take measures to obtain relief: unusual measures, but neither unlawful nor Still you are miserable; for the hope has quitted you on the very confines of life: your sun at noon darkens in an eclipse, which you feel will not leave it till the time of Bitter and base associations have become the sole food of your memory: you wander here and there, seeking rest in exile: happiness in pleasure—I mean in heartless, sensual pleasure—such as dulls intellect and blights Heart-weary and soul-withered, you come home after years of voluntary banishment: you make a new acquaintance—how or where no matter: you find in this stranger much of the good and bright qualities which you have sought for twenty years, and never before encountered; and they are all fresh, healthy, without soil and without Such society revives, regenerates; you feel better days come back—higher wishes, purer feelings; you desire to recommence your life, and to spend what remains to you of days in a way more worthy of an immortal To attain this end, are you justified in overleaping an obstacle of custom—a mere conventional impediment which neither your conscience sanctifies nor your judgement approves?


That is why, since the prolonged study of human philosophy -- which God has made empty and foolish, as the Apostle says, when that study lacks the flavouring of divine wisdom and the light of revealed truth -- sometimes leads to error rather than to the discovery of the truth, we ordain and rule by this salutary constitution, in order to suppress all occasions of falling into error with respect to the matters referred to above, that from this time onwards none of those in sacred orders, whether religious or seculars or others so committed, when they follow courses in universities or other public institutions, may devote themselves to the study of philosophy or poetry for longer than five years after the study of grammar and dialectic, without their giving some timeto the study of theology or pontifical law.


The paper investigates both block-type pilot linear minimum mean square error algorithm and IEEE802.16 OFDM channel estimation analysis. Simulation results confirm the block-type pilot structure is more suitable for IEEE802.16 system. An optimal pilot setting algorithm, based on space frequency domain, is explored and the pilot chart is presented. The proposed algorithm finds its application in MIMO-OFDM. Simulation results show the algorithm presents a good approximation to the perfect channel state information curve, with about 2dB difference in SNR. The simulation results also demonstrate the algorithm achieves fairly high stability in the environment of fast fading, performance of the proposed algorithm is better that of pilot training channel estimation.3. Taking into account the characteristics of IEEE802.16 OFDM system, OFDM system simulation platform is constructed in Matlab, exploiting simulink as a tool. OFDM modulation and demodulation simulation system are configured on LabVIEW platform. All the system signal processing is simulated, including defining system parameters, designing modulation model, and verifying all the proposed algorithms under different environments, such as white Gaussian noise, multi-path fading, with or without guard interval etc. Bit error performance is evaluated. The research provides valid theoretical basis for practical OFDM system performance evaluation.4. Taking advantage of software radio, the paper designs a hardware platform with both 256-IFFT/FFT and 512-IFFT/FFT OFDM schemes co-existing in one platform. You can predetermine one from the two schemes to carry out almost the same model function with different system performance and parameter setting.5. Referring to IEEE802.16 standard, the paper proposes a design method for generating signals and frames suitable for laboratory investigations implemented in laboratory environment.6. Based on 6701evm digital evaluation card, combined with analogy front-end, the paper designs a DSP software model to deal with baseband signal processing. An overall OFDM scheme, with modulation and demodulation function, is accomplished.

讨论分析了MIMO-OFDM中一种基于空频域的最优导频设置算法,给出了导频图案,通过仿真实验表明,该算法与理想的信道状态信息曲线非常接近,信噪比差距约在2dB左右,并且在快衰落条件下具有较好的稳定性,其性能要优于基于前导训练的信道估计方法。3、根据IEEE802.16OFDM系统特点,论文分别在Matlab中应用Simulink工具构建OFDM系统仿真平台、在LabVIEW平台上实现了OFDM调制解调仿真系统,模拟了整个系统的信号流程,进行了OFDM仿真系统参数的选择和调制模块的仿真设计、论证各算法性能,并根据各种不同的条件:例如高斯噪声、多径衰落、有无保护间隔等,对系统的误码特性进行了评估,为正确评价实际OFDM系统的性能提供了有效的理论依据。4、论文以软件无线电思想作为指导,提出了以256点IFFT/FFT为核心和以512点IFFT/FFT为核心的两种OFDM算法模式并存于同一个硬件平台、且可预选的方案,它们在参数选取和性能指标上有所差异,均实现了相似的模块和功能。5、论文参考IEEE 802.16无线网络标准的参数设置,针对本设计系统的应用环境和系统硬件的性能速率,提出了一种应用于实验室环境的信号结构、帧格式等参数设计。6、论文基于TI公司的6701evm数字评估板卡,结合模拟前端搭建数字中频平台,设计了基带处理的DSP软件模块并进行系统调试,基本实现了一套完整的OFDM调制解调方案。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
