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Third, people with spirit of bushido in Japan have died as a trend along with the death of ancient power of Mufu, bushido that self-scarification and faithfulness for emperor, exactly speaking the said heroes who are willingly to sacrify their lives of flesh for spirit of loyalty and faithfulness have lost the soil that can provide basic condition of generation and growth of the bushido, especially for Japan, which had been seriously beaten by atom bomb in World War two, situation of lack of this sort of spirit can only be described as "lose something along with its root and seeds ", so the formation of Wooden Child with Iron Arms is a sort of mean of Japanese spiritsick and self-making for the bushido which had ever experienced its glories and splendidness, because spirit of self-scarification of Wooden Child with Iron Arms has already died among Japanese.


Methods 56 patients with complicated renal calculi were investigated retrospectively, including 43 cases with unilateral calculi, 13 cases with bilateral calculi, 48 cases with staghorn calculi,18 cases with pyonephrosis. The longitudinal size of calculi was 5-8 cm.

对接受经皮肾镜气压弹道超声碎石术的56例复杂性肾结石患者的资料进行回顾性分析,其中单侧结石 43例,双侧结石13 例,鹿角形结石 48例,合并脓肾18例,合并肾积水11例,结石长径5~8 cm。

Results: 61 cases were all infected with single pathogenic bacterium, including 23 cases with staphylococci, 18 cases with Klebsiella, 14 cases with Escherichia coli and 6 cases with Pseudomonas ...


According to structural characteristics of floating slab tracks, a track segment element was taken between two adjacent fasteners. For each element, rails were regarded as Euler beams supported by discrete viscoelastic supports. The fasteners and rubber supports were replaced by a linear spring and damp. So the vibration model of the floating slab track was established. In constructing vibration model of a metro train, each car of the metro train with two suspensions was modeled as a multi-rigid body system, in which rigid bodies were connected with each other by a linear spring and damp. Combining the potential energy of vertical vibration of the track with that of the metro train, the total potential energy of vertical vibration of the train and track was obtained. And then, the matrix equation of vertical vibration of the system was established using the principle of total potential energy with stationary value in elastic system dynamics and the "set-in-right-position" rule for formulating system matrices. The vibration responses of the system can be obtained by solving the matrix equation with the direct time integration such as Wilson-θ method.

摘 要:针对浮置板式轨道结构特点,取相邻2个扣件之间的轨道为1个轨段单元,钢轨视为连续弹性点支承Euler梁,浮置板视为弹性薄板,扣件系统及橡胶支座均模拟为线性弹簧及粘滞阻尼器,建立浮置板式轨道振动模型;将城轨列车中的车辆均离散为多刚体系统,各刚体之间通过线性弹簧及粘滞阻尼器相连,建立列车振动模型;将浮置板式轨道及列车振动势能叠加,得到系统竖向振动总势能;基于弹性系统动力学总势能不变值原理及形成系统矩阵的"对号入座"法则,建立此系统竖向振动矩阵方程;采用Wilson-θ逐步积分法求解此矩阵方程,得出此系统竖向振动响应。

The positive test draws the following conclusions: control rights is significantly negatively related with firm value which indicates that the bigger control rights the actual controller hold, the lower firm value is; cash flow rights is significantly negatively related with firm value which may due to the ravening share bonus deeds by controlling shareholder; the separation ratio of cash flow rights to control rights is negatively related with firm value and not significant which may due to the ravening share bonus deeds,or the deficient market, or inadequate information exposure etc; stock proportion restriction is significantly positive related with firm value which indicates the good effect of stock proportion restriction; actual controller who participate in the management and the ratio of director who have position in controlling shareholder's company don't pass the significant test; the size of the company is significantly negatively related with firm value; the ROE cannot explain the firm value.


Fresh Squid tentacle sections, mashed yellow croaker and pollution-free cubed carrot and green string bean sections are selected as raw materials which are then added, mixed and stirred with an adhesive, a seasoning agent and a tenderizer in proper amount to form fillings; the fillings are then moulded into caked filling cores which are steamed and cooled; the outer surface of the filling core is evenly coated with a layer of stiff paste, the outer surface of which is evenly attached with a layer of puffed outer coating so as to form a caked quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak which takes the shape of a puffed powder slice and is internally provided with a filling core wrapped with the stiff paste; after being quick-frozen, the squid and vegetable steak can then be made into the quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak food.


To Dec. in 2004. Of all examined students,20 433 catched with poor eyesight, the incidence was 30.48%;11 887 with decayed teeth (17.33%), 14 715 with physiology goiter struma (21.95%), 1 811 with color weakness (2.70%), and 488 with amygdalae inflammation (0.73%).


The differences of different demographic variables of team cohesion among handball players in universities and high schools: there was no difference in the universities' players with gender, age, team participating time, years for getting along with the coach, the highest achievement, training time a day, and training frequency a week; there was no difference in the high schools' players with age, team participating time, years for getting along with the coach, the highest achievement, and training time a day, but there was significant difference in the players with gender.


And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders

26:8 他就用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂,并大可畏的事与神迹奇事,领我们出了埃及

Methods Divided randomly 80 cases with HP related chronic gastric into treatment group with 42 cases treated with four medicines and control group with 38 cases treated with conventional three medicines combination therapy,valued their efficacy after half of the month.


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Better Off With Him
Down With The Clique
Come Dance With Me / Come Fly With Me
I Like To Be With Me When I'm With You
Up With Hope (Down With Dope)
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
Born With Nothing, Die With Everything
In Love With You (Duet With Jacky Cheung)
Dance With Me (With Mommy V.)
I'm Through With The Past (But The Past Isn't Through With Me)

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
