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The numerical results indicated that the mixing time decreases about linearly with increasing current intensity. The mixing time decreases first then increases with increasing current frequency and comes up to its minimum value at 30Hz. Applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake or downtake when the exciting current intensity is 200 A at 10 Hz, the mixing time can be shortened by 9%~17%. With the operating conditions kept unchanged, shorter mixing time is available if applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake instead of downtake, and the time can be shortened by 18%~26% if applying the magnetic field to both the uptake and downtake. Moreover, the mixing time decreases with increasing argon blowing flowrate, and the time comes down to its minimum value if the argon blowing flowrate is 1 600 NL/min. After the moment, the mixing time increases with argon blowing flowrate.

计算结果表明:混匀时间随电流强度的增大而减小,并且近似成线性关系;混匀时间随电流频率的增加先减小后增大,并且在30Hz 时达到极小值;在励磁电流强度为200A ,频率为10Hz 的条件下,在上升管或下降管施加行波磁场混匀时间可缩短9%~17%;在相同操作条件下,在上升管处施加行波磁场混匀时间小于在下降管施加行波磁场的混匀时间;同时在上升管和下降管施加行波磁场,混匀时间可缩短18%~26%;混匀时间随吹氩量的增大而减小,在吹氩量为1600NL/min 时混匀时间达到极小值,吹氩量继续增大时,混匀时间反而增大。

Determine the content of the moisture with the dry law of the atmosphere; With is it draw law draw fat , analyse the backbone fat first esterification with the gaseous phase chromatogram to ask for; Determine the content of starch by fastenning all law; Propose the alcohol and sink the law and draw many candies with water, and determine many content of candy more than the color law with the phenol - the sulphuric acid.


First scanning the known handwriting materials then number them ,In pretreatment, we convert the valid part of the image into a standard size, as images carries out duotone and go throw off chirp handling in order to achieve better effect.draw features from the known handwriting materials with the Co-occurence,especially,we divided a copy of handwriting into 25 little pieces with the size of 128*128 ,drawing features from every little piecese with four directions(0 degree, 45 degrees, 90 degrees as well as 135 degrees) and calculate the four major feature values( veins and the statistical quantity of veins contrast and the statistical quantity of veins consistency Shang the statistical quantity of statistical quantity as well as the veins correlation of gray scale ), preservation all the feature value that drawn from all known ma terials to the handwriting characteristic database,then input the unknown handwriting materials, also using the method of the Co-occurence to draw those features, recycling the minimum European Distance law match the unknown writing material feature value with the handwriting characteristic feature database, export the label of the known hand writing materials which is most similar to the unknown material with minimum European Distance, and then we can confirm who is the author of the unknown material.


The pore capacity is becoming smaller with increasingthe vitrinite content. 2. Micro-porosity is dominated in the total pore capacity, which takes more than50%. There is not relationship among pore capacity and specific surface with otherfactors such as Maceral and R0, which shows that the distribution and shapes of poreare not influenced by the composition of the coal. 3. The pore is opened for the coal of Ordos Basin, the order is from durain to clarainthen samples to vitrain. Others are belong to half-opened and thin throat. 4. The adsorption content of gas is increasing with the higher pressure, and the freegas content is decreasing;The adsorption content of gas is decreasing with thehigher temp, and the free gas content is increasing;The adsorption content of gas isincreasing with higher vitrinite content for the kennel coal when temp.

总空隙主要由小孔孔容构成,小孔孔容占了50%以上;镜质组含量和惰性组含量等物质以及镜煤反射率均与孔容、比表面未表现出明显的相关性,说明孔隙分布特征不受物质组成的影响 3、鄂尔多斯地区的空隙呈现开放状态为主,空隙开放的次序为暗煤-亮煤-煤样-镜煤,其他盆地则为半封闭和细瓶颈空隙 4、随压力增加,煤对气体的吸附量增加,煤中所含游离气的量随之减小;随温度增加,煤对气体的吸附量减小,而煤中所含游离气的量随之增加;在相同的温压条件下,同是长焰煤的样品,吸附量在孔容中所占的比例随镜质组含量增加而增加。

Curtain plate stainless steel plate, spray nozzle for the spray nozzle to capture, exhaust fan with explosion-proof fan.3, chamber body assembly plate connection between the use of bolts, installation, removal, fast and convenient.4, configuration, special explosion-proof spray room lighting, interior lighting sufficient light.5 mist treatment with water curtain, shower folding capture plus maze can efficiently remove the paint mist.6, circulation pump with an area of small, simple installation and pipeline pumps.7, Room δ1.5mm steel and steel body is made of.8, dust chamber body is made of EPS board, has entered out.9, water curtain spray booth technical parametersNo Item ParametersA flow rate (m3 / h) 90002 Power 43 pump power 34 open wind speed 0.6-0.75 Compressed air consumption (m3/min) 0.36 lamp illumination 400Z-7 nozzle8 Painting Room: Dimensions 2500 × 2400 × 26009 Dust Room: Dimensions 2500 × 1800 × 3400Note: Manual spray system uses 你好gh-quality brand-name products in Taiwan.6, leveling RoomLeveling effect of room to spray paint surface after the paint on the share level, and to a number of solvent evaporation in order to prevent baking too quickly appeared in the film pinhole.1, Room body is made of welded steel and steel plate.2, chamber body wall windows with transparent glass observation and maintenance of the door.3, chamber body with the top emission device, keeping indoor air fresh.4, room spray processing site in vivo, uniform color, elegant appearance.3, the consolidated statementa, baking oven is designed to bridge Road.

没有碰到水帘的漆雾由水帘下部进入喷漆室的后部,由喷嘴喷出的水雾冲洗、迷宫折板过滤及折板上的喷淋系统三次过滤后,废气经风机排至大气中,布局特点如次:一、设置双工位水帘喷漆室。二、槽体采用型钢及Q235钢板制作,板厚4mm。水帘板为不锈钢板,喷淋捕捉喷嘴为雾化喷嘴,抽风机采用防爆型风机。3、室体拼装板之间采用螺栓连接、安装、拆卸、迅速,便捷。四、配置喷漆室专用防爆照明,内部采光充足、明亮。5、漆雾处理采用水帘、喷淋捕捉加迷宫折板,可高效去除漆雾。6、轮回泵采用占地少、安装简略的管道泵。7、室体采用δ1.5mm钢板与型钢制作而成。八、防尘室体采用EPS板制成,设有出进门。9、水帘喷漆室技术参数序号项目参数1 处理风量(m3/h) 90002 功率 43 水泵功率 34 开口风速 0.6-0.75 压缩空气耗量(m3/min) 0.36 照明灯照度 4007 喷嘴 Z型8 喷漆室:外形尺寸 2500×2400×26009 防尘室:外形尺寸 2500×1800×3400注:手动喷漆系统采用台湾优质名牌产品。六、流平室流平室的作用是使喷漆后喷在工件表面上的漆铺平,并使溶剂挥发一些,以防止烘烤过快而在漆膜上浮现针孔。一、室体采用型钢与钢板焊制而成。

Test and analysis show that, the distribution patterns of the tangent veloctiy fields in the big cone area and the small cone area, which are comprised of para-free vortex and para-forced vortex, are basically identical without a change of the radius of the boundary surface; with the increase of the angle of the small cone, the para-free vortex area decreases and the para-forced vortex area increases, and the emulsifiability of the fluid drips increases with the increase of velocity gradient; the tangent velocity increases with the increase of inlet flow, and the maximum tangent velocities of both the big cone area and the small cone area are 4.94 times of the inlet flow; and the maximum tangent velocity increases with the increase of the split ratio and with the radius of the boundary surface not changed.


Results: Operations were immediately performed in all eight patients with AMI after final diagnosis,including six cases treated with different limitation of enterotomy; five with temporary abdominal closure and exteriorization of intestine,three with abdominal closure of venous nutrition transfusion container; seven with two-stage operation in different means.


The results shows, drown or etherization to make mouse death, Alcohol-fixed, defatted with 3% potassium dichromate, vitrification with Potassium hydroxide, coloration of bone with Alizarin Red S, the glycerol-ammonia were respectively coloration of cartilage with Alcian blue, vitrification with glycerol which had different concentrations, were the best conditions for making transparent specimen.


Beijingensis under three droughttreatments, normal, moderate and severe stresses. The results showed:(1) the canker disease ofboth cultivars was serious gradually with increased drought;(2) the bark tissue cells sufferedplasmolysis, more evident with the severity of drought stress;(3) under the drought andinoculation with B. dothidea, cells of two cultivars damaged at different degree, mailyrepresented in the changes of organelles, such as chloroplast swollen and distorted, number ofmitochondria increased and membrane system indistinct; then organelles suffered furtherdamagement with inoculation time, thinned mitochondrias stroma, decreased cristae, crumpledand partly broken membrane of chloroplasts with stroma exosmosis. At last, the chloroplastspartly disorganized;(4) the hyphae growed mainly intercellular in resistant cultivar and notonly intercellular but also intracellular in susceptible cultivar, which directly caused thenecrosis of cells;(5) under the severe drought, the damage of cells enhanced the infection ofpathogen and drought and pathogen stressed together and promoted the disease development;the damage from pathogen on cells was more serious than that from drought.


In each of these passages, as well as others, Galileo reveals insights not only into the subtle workings of nature, but also into the mind and heart of the man behind the science: the careful craftsman (the builder of the finest telescopes in the world), the meticulous theorist (cautious about over-generalizing or speculating on more fundamental causes), the formidable observer and experimentalist (with a brilliant nose for the most urgent problems that can be solved with the new instruments and with impeccable interpretations of the importance of his major findings), the wonderful storyteller (with one voice tuned to persuade the reader of his point of view and with another voice trying to anticipate possible philosophical or religious objections), as well as the political opportunist (all too willing, as was the practice then, to bow and scrape before powerful personages who might advance his personal fortunes).


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Better Off With Him
Down With The Clique
Come Dance With Me / Come Fly With Me
I Like To Be With Me When I'm With You
Up With Hope (Down With Dope)
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
Born With Nothing, Die With Everything
In Love With You (Duet With Jacky Cheung)
Dance With Me (With Mommy V.)
I'm Through With The Past (But The Past Isn't Through With Me)

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
