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My company is a company with 10 years experience in garment production and sales of foreign-owned enterprises, with export business and domestic business, export business is mainly well-known brands in Europe and America to take sample design, sample processing and product development, production of the brand has Renee, Lapagayo, Camel, BadBoys, Fidelia, Jeep, 1/2Pollice and so on, high-quality products are exported to Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries, because of the rapid expansion of domestic market demand, companies with relatively adequate internal resources, the company is committed to the development of a number of brand awareness in progress together with other clothing, we also opened a factory specializing in the production of underwear, annual output of more than one hundred million pieces, in order to meet the needs of the market, and with the demand with various partners to achieve benefit, welcome guests around the sample to map the design and processing business to discuss.

我公司是一家拥有10多年服装生产销售经验外商独资企业,设有外销事业部和内销事业部,外销事业部主要是承接欧美知名品牌来样设计、来样加工和产品开发,生产的品牌有Renee、 Lapagayo、Camel、BadBoys、Fidelia、Jeep,1/2Pollice等,高质的产品远销欧美、日本等国家,由于国内市场需求迅速扩大,公司内部资源较为充足,公司致力发展宣传多项品牌,在与其他服装共同进步的同时,我们又开设了专业生产内裤的加工厂,年产量在一佰万件以上,以此来满足市场的需求,并同求与各合作伙伴达到共利,欢迎各地嘉宾来样、来图设计和加工业务洽谈。

Results Of all 41 cases 9 patients were biliary tract injury ,9 patients with biliary fistulas , 8 patients with bleeding after surgery , 4 patients with injury of gastrointestinal tract, 4 patients with calculus of bile duct, 4 patients with complicating gastroenteric tumor,3 patients with unexpected carcinoma of gallbladder .

结果 胆管损伤9例,胆漏9例,术后出血8例,胃肠道损伤4例,胆管结石4例,合并胃肠道肿瘤4例,意外胆囊癌3例,1例死于多器官功能障碍综合症,2例预后不良,其余愈合良好。

RESULTS: Of the 40 cases, 20 were with gastritis, 4 with hiatal hernia, 3 with benign ulcer, 3 with benign gastric neoplasm, 8 with malignant neoplasm, and 2 with no abnormality.

结果: 最后诊断胃炎20例、食道裂孔疝4例、良性溃疡3例、良性肿瘤3例、恶性胃肿瘤8例、正常2例。

RESULTS: Of the 40 cases, 20 were with gastritis, 4 with hiatal hernia, 3 with benign ulcer, 3 with benign gastric neoplasm, 8 with malignant neoplasm, and 2 with no abnormality.


With the IAP Prediction System of Short-term Climate Anomaly, two sets of seasonal and extra-seasonal ensemble hindcasts have been performed during the period of 1980~1994 in order to assess the prediction skill of the IAP PSSCA with two different schemes The difference of the two schemes is in the different version of AGCM used, with the IAP AGCM 1 1 in one scheme and the IAP AGCM 1 2 with an improved surface albedo parameterization in the other Comparisons of the hindcast results with the observations show that IAP PSSCA is capable of predicting the precipitation anomaly to some extent In the eastern China largely affected by Asian monsoon and SST anomalies, the prediction skill is relatively high, especially in the Southeastern China where the anomaly correlation coefficient can reach as high as 0 50 in the severe flood and drought years This may suggest that the possible mechanisms for these severe disasters have been well captured by the IAP PSSCA The prediction skill is higher for the modified model AGCM 1 2 as the model's climatological state is well simulated This indicates that models with reasonable land process will improve the prediction skill for short-term climate prediction

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所研制的短期气候距平数值预测系统,种版本的大气环流模式:AGCM 1.1和AGCM 1.2,分别以2月11~19日的9天大气观测值为初始场,以给定海温为边界场,对1980~1994年的15年的降水异常进行了两组集合后报试验。对试验结果进行定量评估表明:IAP PSSCA对降水异常具有一定的预测能力,特别是在中国东部受东亚季风及海温异常影响的地区,IAP PSSCA具有较高的预报技巧,其中以东南区域(包括江淮流域和华南地区)最高,尤其是对有洪涝灾害的降水异常年,距平相关系数在0.50左右,接近可供业务使用的要求,说明模式能够抓住在东亚季风区存在的某种物理机制,从而提高了这一地区的预报技巧;另外,两个大气环流模式相比,改进了地表反照率的AGCM 1.2的15年集合平均预测技巧略高于AGCM 1.1,特别是在华北地区,预测效果有明显提高,这表明改进地表反照率从而改进了模式的气候平均态的模拟,能提高气候模式的预测能力,说明较好的陆面过程引入模式对短期气候预测是有益的。

Methods Nineteen cases with negative findings of other routine inspections such as B supersonic, CT, gastric endoscopy, and colonoscopy were analyzed. Among them, there were 5 cases with abdominal pain, 2 cases with diarrhea, 7 cases with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, 2 cases with abdominal pain and melena, and 3 cases both with abdominal pain and diarrhea. Double balloon enteroscopy was performed on these 19 cases.


When reached logarithm growth phase, it was poured or the medium was removed. 5 mL medium containing 10 mg/L mitocin-C was added , kept at 37 ℃, and then cultured in saturated humidity warm box with the CO2 of 0.05 fraction volume for 2 or 3 hours. It was coated with 0.1% gelatin in 6-hole plate, laid for over 30 minutes, and then threw away or the medium with mitocin-C was removed, washed with phosptat buffer for 5 times so as to remove the mitocin-C. 2 mL 0.05% trypsin digestive cells were added, and it was observed under microscope. When crevice appeared, cells became round (about 2-4 minutes), digestion was stopped by adding medium of the same volume, and blew up with straws repetitively to make it into monoplast suspension. Special-used cover glass was put in the center of cell counting chamber. Cells were sucked in by glass siphon, and cell suspension flew out at bucket of up or down-sides of counting chamber, until the cover glass was filled with fluid. Living cell were inoculated at concentrations of 3×108, 5×108, 1×109 L-1 after their number counted.

选取2~5代的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,待其至对数生长期倒掉或吸掉培养基,加入含10 mg/L丝裂霉素C的细胞全培养液5 mL,置37 ℃,体积分数0.05的CO2饱和湿度温箱中培养二三小时,在6孔板中加入0.1%明胶包被,放置30 min以上,倒掉或吸掉含丝裂霉素C的培养基,磷酸盐缓冲液清洗5遍,尽量除去丝裂霉素C,加入2 mL 0.05%的胰蛋白酶消化细胞,镜下观察,当细胞间出现裂隙,细胞变圆时(约2~4 min),立即加入等量的全培养液终止消化,并用吸管反复吹打,使之成为单细胞悬液,在细胞计数板中央放置专用的盖玻片,用玻璃虹吸管吸取细胞,让虹吸管在盖玻片上或下侧的计数板凹槽处流出悬液,至盖玻片下被液体充满为止。

Methods: 64 cases with multiloculated pleural effusions were divided into 2 groups, the treatment group with 34 cases was treated with urokinase,injecting 100000~200000u/time and ns 10~20ml into pleural cavity;the control group with 30 cases was treated with chymotrypsin,injecting 100000~150000u/time and ns 10~20ml into pleural cavity.results: after treated with urokinase or chymotrypsin.


Majority of acute leukemias in infant, either acute lymphoblastic leukemia or acute myeloblastic leukemia, posses a chromosomal translocation affecting the 11q23 chromosome region which specifically inoles the mixed-lineage leukemia gene.1-3 Most pediatric leukemias with MLL rearrangement clearly hae a remarkably short latency.1,4 MLL gene rearrangement is also associated with secondary leukemias of patients preiously treated with the topoisomerase II inhibitors.4 The latency of these secondary leukemias is similarly ery short.4 Of note, the concordance rate of leukemia with MLL rearrangement in infant monozygotic twins approximates to 100%,1,4 and identical breakpoint in the MLL gene was shared in these pairs of identical twin infants with concordant ALL.1,4 Moreoer, the unique and clonotypic MLL fusion gene was detectable in neonatal blood spots for Guthrie cards from non-twined indiiduals who subsequently deeloped ALL.1,4 These obserations indicate not only that MLL fusion is generated in utero but also that MLL fusion proteins could be capable of inducing leukemic transformation with few, if any, secondary mutations.2,3,4 Greaes et al speculate that an MLL fusion protein somehow promotes rapid transition to full-blown disease in patients ia ery rapid clonal expansion, genetic instability, or inhibition of DNA damage repair.4 In general, for clonal expansion of malignancies, tumor cells often hae acquired strategies that escape immune sureillance of the hosts.5,6 Immune escape mechanisms also contribute to the failure of graft-ersus-leukemia effect after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.7 Therefore, leukemia cells could acquire some immune escape mechanisms during leukemogenesis.

绪论 绝大多数的婴儿白血病,不管是急性淋巴性白血病或是急性骨髓性白血病,在染色体11q23部位有染色体易位的情况;这个部位的染色体易位牵连了混合谱系白血病基因。大多数具有MLL基因重排的儿童白血病潜伏期明显短很多。MLL基因重排也和经拓扑异构酶II抑制剂治疗后的继发性白血病有关。这些继发性白血病的潜伏期类似地都非常的短。很重要的是,单卵双胞胎婴儿同时患有或同时免于MLL基因重排阳性的白血病的一致性接近100%;并且同样患有ALL的同卵双胞胎的MLL基因的断裂点是一致的。而且,这种独特的克隆特异性的MLL融合基因能够从那些得ALL的非双生个体出生时的血斑标本中检测到。这些发现表明MLL融合基因产生在胎儿还在子宫的是后,而且MLL融合蛋白能过和其他的基因突变一起诱导白血病的产生。Greaes 等推测MLL融合蛋白在某种情况下同过快速克隆增殖,遗传的不稳定性或是DNA损伤修复的抑制促使疾病迅速地全面爆发。恶性肿瘤细胞的克隆增殖通常已经获得了逃避机体免疫监视的能力。免疫逃避机制也归因于异体外周血干细胞移植后移植物抗白血病作用的失效。所以,白血病细胞在白血病的产生过程中可能获得了某些免疫逃脱机制。

Methods Malignant tumor tissues were obtained from 11 patients with colon cancer, 15 patients with cervical cancer, 10 patients with breast cancer, 9 patients with esophageal cancer, 12 patients with lung cancer and 16 patients with gastric carcinoma. Nonmalignant tissue was used as negative control. Three tumor cell lines were also studied. Hfgl 2 was examined both at the level of mRNA and protein by immunohistochemistry as well as RT-PCR.

采用免疫组化方法检测了11例结肠癌、15例宫颈癌、10例乳腺癌、9例食管癌、12例肺癌、16例胃癌患者的病理组织切片中hfgl 2及纤维蛋白的表达,分析二者的组织学关系,用RT-PCR方法检测了部分肿瘤组织与肿瘤细胞系中的hfgl 2 mRNA。

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Better Off With Him
Down With The Clique
Come Dance With Me / Come Fly With Me
I Like To Be With Me When I'm With You
Up With Hope (Down With Dope)
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
Born With Nothing, Die With Everything
In Love With You (Duet With Jacky Cheung)
Dance With Me (With Mommy V.)
I'm Through With The Past (But The Past Isn't Through With Me)

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
