英语人>网络例句>with 相关的网络例句
与 with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When I meet the engine with its train of cars moving off with planetary motion —— or, rather, like a comet, for the beholder knows not if with that velocity and with that direction it will ever revisit this system, since its orbit does not look like a returning curve —— with its steam cloud like a banner streaming behind in golden and silver wreaths, like many a downy cloud which I have seen, high in the heavens, unfolding its masses to the light —— as if this traveling demigod, this cloud-compeller, would ere long take the sunset sky for the livery of his train; when I hear the iron horse make the hills echo with his snort like thunder, shaking the earth with his feet, and breathing fire and smoke from his nostrils(what kind of winged horse or fiery dragon they will put into the new Mythology I don't know), it seems as if the earth had got a race now worthy to inhabit it.


METHODS: The level of intracellular calcium of human microglia grown on coverslip,which was loaded by calcium-probe,Fluo-4,and then treated in various experimental processing,was detected by confocal microscopy with time resolution mode.The binding of gp120 to human microglia was determined with confocal microscopy or flow cytometry after treatment with gp120 and stained with anti-gp120-FITC antibody.Phosphorylation of ERK within human microglia with or without gp120 stimulation was analyzed with confocal microscopy following the direct immuno-staining with anti-phosphorylated ERK antibody.

用钙离子探针Fluo-4标记粘附在盖玻片上的人小胶质细胞,运用共聚焦显微镜以荧光强度为指标实时观察各种条件下的细胞内钙离子水平的变化;用gp120处理并用anti-gp120-FITC进行染色,运用共聚焦显微镜术和流式细胞术分析人小胶质细胞与gp120结合情况;用抗磷酸化ERK 抗体免疫荧光方法进行染色,运用共聚焦显微镜术和流式细胞术进行ERK磷酸化水平分析。

So now send me a man, skillful in working with gold and with silver and with bronze and with iron and with purple and crimson and blue cloth, and who knows how to make engravings, to be with the skillful men who are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father prepared.

2:7 现在求你差一个人来,就是善用金、银、铜、铁,和紫色、朱红色、蓝色线,并精于雕刻之工的巧匠,与我父亲大卫所豫备,在犹大和耶路撒冷我这里的巧匠一同作工。

On my way up north up on the ventura i pulled back the hood and i was talking to you and i knew then it would be a life long thing but i didn't know that we we could break a silver lining and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you things you said that day up on the 101 the girl had come undone i tried to downplay it with a bet about us you said that- you'd take it as long as i could i could not erase it and i ride along side and i rode along side you then and i rode along side till you lost me there in the open road and i rode along side till the honey spread itself so thin for me to break your bread for me to take your word i had to steal it and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you i could pick back up whenever i feel down new mexico way something about the open road i knew that he was looking for some indian blood and find a little in you find a little in me we may be on this road but we're just imposters in this country you know so we go along and we said we'd fake it feel better with oliver stone till i almost smacked him seemed right that night and i don't know what takes hold out there in the desert cold these guys think they must try and just get over on us and i was ridin' by ridin' along side for a while till you lost me and i was ridin' by ridin' along till you lost me till you lost me in the rear view you lost me i said way up north i took my day all in all was a pretty nice day and i put the hood right back where you could taste heaven perfectly feel out the summer breeze didn't know when we'd be back and i, i don't didn't think we'd end up like like this

在途中提高北方在 ventura 上提高我向后地拉头巾而且我正在和你说话而且我知道然后它会是生活长的事物但是我没有知道那我们我们可以休息一个一线希望而且我很这么忧愁同类一本善行书我不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你你说那个日子的事物在 101 上提高女孩有来未完成的我试验过的不予重视它藉由一个打赌有关我们你说那-你将会拿它只要我可以我无法消除它而且我乘坐向前边而且我向前骑边你然后而且我向前骑边直到你失去的我在那里在开着的道路中而且我向前骑边直到蜂蜜传布它本身如此瘦的因为我对休息你的面包因为我拿你所说的话我必须偷它而且我很这么忧愁同类一本善行书我不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你我可以精选向后地向上的每当我感觉??落新的 mexico 方法关于开着的道路某事我知道他是找寻一些 indian 血和稍微在你里面稍微找发现在我里面我们可能是在这一条道路上除了我们只是 imposters 在这国家中你知道因此我们向前去和我们说我们有假货它以脚踏铁槌石头感觉好很多直到我几乎有味道他似乎是权利哪一夜晚和我不知道什么控制向那边在那沙漠寒冷这些人认为他们一定尝试而且仅仅在我们身上克服而且我是 ridin'被 ridin'向前边一阵子直到你失去的我而且我是 ridin'被 ridin'向前直到你失去的我直到你失去的我在那后面视野你失去的我我说方法向上的北方我花了我的日子极其重要的是一相当好的日子和我放头巾正确地背面哪里你可以味道天堂完全地感觉夏天微风没有知道当我们将会回来而且我我做不没有想我们有结束在同类上面同类这

Construction characteristics - Standard contact and housing dimensions - RAL 7035 grey grip - Cable sleeve for IP44 - Cable gland for IP67 - Plug with key and socket with keyway to ensure perfect coupling - Sockets with spring-locking cover and retaining catch when the plug is inserted, for both IP44 and IP67 - Sockets with locking ring lids and plugs with inclined surfaces and bayonet fitting for IP67 - Fold-back cable clamp for IP67 types - Only factory-preset earth contact position depending on end use - High protection against indirect contacts since the earth contact is the first to established and the last to be broken - Colour-coded to identify the different rated voltages - Perfect interchangeability with EUREKA Series plugs and sockets and with other makers.详情请登入:http://factory.shsap.com/list.asp?id=289

结构特征-触点和外壳标准尺寸-手柄颜色为灰色RAL7035 -堆形过线装置,用于IP44防护等级-填料函,用于IP67防护等级-插头带凸出物,插座带导槽用来保证完好的连接- IP44和IP67 的插座带有弹簧罩,在有插头插入后可以起到止动作用-插座带紧锁罩,插头带有倾斜面用于IP67防护等级的插销式连接-可活动的电缆固定装置用于IP67的防护-在工厂中预设的接地触点位置取决于最终使用-接地触点最先连接,最后短开,所以对防止间接接触具有很高的保护指数-不同的额定电压用不同的颜色来表示,便于识别-与EUREKA系列和其他制造商的插头和插座有极好的互换性

The Province of Oceanica, erected in 1898, comprises, besides a procurator house at Sydney and three missions in Australia, five vicariates (Central Oceanica with 15 stations; the Navigator Islands or Samoa with 15 stations; New Caledonia with 36 stations; Fiji with 17 stations; New Hebrides with 22 stations) and two prefectures (the Southern Solomon Islands with 8 stations and the Northern Solomon Islands with 5 stations).

省oceanica ,建於1898年组成,除检察长府在悉尼和三项使命,在澳大利亚, 5 vicariates (中央oceanica与15个车站;领航员群岛和萨摩亚,与15个车站;新喀里多尼亚36个车站;斐济17监测站;新赫布里底与22站)和两个县(南所罗门群岛8个车站和北所罗门群岛与5站)。

And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.

13:8 大卫和以色列众人在神前用琴,瑟,锣,鼓,号作乐,极力跳舞歌唱。

And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with har, and with alteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.

13:8 大卫和以色列众人在神前用琴,瑟,锣,鼓,号作乐,极力跳舞歌唱。

And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalte***es, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.

13:8 大卫和以色列众人在神前用琴,瑟,锣,鼓,号作乐,极力跳舞歌唱。

The paper investigates both block-type pilot linear minimum mean square error algorithm and IEEE802.16 OFDM channel estimation analysis. Simulation results confirm the block-type pilot structure is more suitable for IEEE802.16 system. An optimal pilot setting algorithm, based on space frequency domain, is explored and the pilot chart is presented. The proposed algorithm finds its application in MIMO-OFDM. Simulation results show the algorithm presents a good approximation to the perfect channel state information curve, with about 2dB difference in SNR. The simulation results also demonstrate the algorithm achieves fairly high stability in the environment of fast fading, performance of the proposed algorithm is better that of pilot training channel estimation.3. Taking into account the characteristics of IEEE802.16 OFDM system, OFDM system simulation platform is constructed in Matlab, exploiting simulink as a tool. OFDM modulation and demodulation simulation system are configured on LabVIEW platform. All the system signal processing is simulated, including defining system parameters, designing modulation model, and verifying all the proposed algorithms under different environments, such as white Gaussian noise, multi-path fading, with or without guard interval etc. Bit error performance is evaluated. The research provides valid theoretical basis for practical OFDM system performance evaluation.4. Taking advantage of software radio, the paper designs a hardware platform with both 256-IFFT/FFT and 512-IFFT/FFT OFDM schemes co-existing in one platform. You can predetermine one from the two schemes to carry out almost the same model function with different system performance and parameter setting.5. Referring to IEEE802.16 standard, the paper proposes a design method for generating signals and frames suitable for laboratory investigations implemented in laboratory environment.6. Based on 6701evm digital evaluation card, combined with analogy front-end, the paper designs a DSP software model to deal with baseband signal processing. An overall OFDM scheme, with modulation and demodulation function, is accomplished.

讨论分析了MIMO-OFDM中一种基于空频域的最优导频设置算法,给出了导频图案,通过仿真实验表明,该算法与理想的信道状态信息曲线非常接近,信噪比差距约在2dB左右,并且在快衰落条件下具有较好的稳定性,其性能要优于基于前导训练的信道估计方法。3、根据IEEE802.16OFDM系统特点,论文分别在Matlab中应用Simulink工具构建OFDM系统仿真平台、在LabVIEW平台上实现了OFDM调制解调仿真系统,模拟了整个系统的信号流程,进行了OFDM仿真系统参数的选择和调制模块的仿真设计、论证各算法性能,并根据各种不同的条件:例如高斯噪声、多径衰落、有无保护间隔等,对系统的误码特性进行了评估,为正确评价实际OFDM系统的性能提供了有效的理论依据。4、论文以软件无线电思想作为指导,提出了以256点IFFT/FFT为核心和以512点IFFT/FFT为核心的两种OFDM算法模式并存于同一个硬件平台、且可预选的方案,它们在参数选取和性能指标上有所差异,均实现了相似的模块和功能。5、论文参考IEEE 802.16无线网络标准的参数设置,针对本设计系统的应用环境和系统硬件的性能速率,提出了一种应用于实验室环境的信号结构、帧格式等参数设计。6、论文基于TI公司的6701evm数字评估板卡,结合模拟前端搭建数字中频平台,设计了基带处理的DSP软件模块并进行系统调试,基本实现了一套完整的OFDM调制解调方案。

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Better Off With Him
Down With The Clique
Come Dance With Me / Come Fly With Me
I Like To Be With Me When I'm With You
Up With Hope (Down With Dope)
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
Born With Nothing, Die With Everything
In Love With You (Duet With Jacky Cheung)
Dance With Me (With Mommy V.)
I'm Through With The Past (But The Past Isn't Through With Me)

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
