英语人>网络例句>with these words 相关的网络例句
with these words相关的网络例句

查询词典 with these words

与 with these words 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For those who buy on credit,further more,charge accounts are even more exciting than money:in other words,these people feel that with credit they can do anything.


His words quickly lose their meaning when he sends these chiding group e-mails with a time-stamp of 2 AM, Sunday.


Through deep if misplaced affection for you: through great pity for your defects of temper and temperament: through my own proverbial good-nature and Celtic laziness: through an artistic aversion to coarse scenes and ugly words: through that incapacity to bear resentment of any kind which at that time characterised me[11b]: through my dislike of seeing life made bitter and uncomely by what to me, with my eyes really fixed on other things, seemed to be mere trifles too petty for more than a moment's thought or interest — through these reasons, simple as they may sound, I gave up to you always.

出于对你深挚的如果说是错爱了的感情,出于对你禀性上的缺点深切的怜悯,出于我那有口皆碑的好心肠和凯尔特人的懒散,出于一种艺术气质上对粗鲁的言语行为的反感,出于我当时对任何事物都能逆来顺受的性格特征 [11b],出于我不喜欢看到生活因为在我看来是不屑一顾的小事(我眼里真正所看的是另外一些事)而变得苦涩不堪的脾气——出于这种种看似简单的理由,我事事全听你的。

1St, According to you instructed I will have to comply with later to have initiative, warm, to be sincere, the sincerity proceed from the bottom of one's heart to you to say I will love you, I thought you, you will be the words and expressions which my only these you will like.


For example,instead of being hyphenated,apercare,postdoctoral,and teardrop are now usually written as one word,while boiler room,hand grenade,and taxi driver are usually found as separate words Similarly,en route,hoi polloi,and tour de fofee now tend tO be written in roman rather than italic script,reflecting their increased assimilation into English In addition tO these changes,some proprietary terms are nOW recorded in the dictionary.with a lower case initial letter,also reflecting general usage(but not affecting their legal proprietary status).

例如,aftercare、 postdoctoral和teardrop现在通常不使用连字符,而是写成一个词;boiler room、hand grenade和taxi driver则通常写成两个分立的词。同样,en route、hoi polloi和tour de force现在趋向被写成正体字而不是斜体字,这反映了它们日渐被英语吸纳。除了这些变化之外,一些专利名称词也被收入本词典中,这些词的首字母小写,以反映其一般用法(当然不会影响它们合法的专利名称地位)。

Teachers reflect immediately on their teaching activities,paying attention to their teaching ideas which have been concealed in the behaviors or experiences,naming explicitly the information which only manifests in behavioral operations or practical experiences with metaphor,analogy,hypothesis, induction,etc.,and abstracting sequences of action as conception description or induction in words. All of these make possible both the teaching behavior explanation and tacit teaching idea exchanging.


In other words, with both these schemes instrumentality perceptions will be low.


These big words caused the lady's maid not a little distress, for she saw with pain that her mistress was not rising superior to her origin as quickly as she could have desired.


These people seem to try to apply an extremely legalistic definition of the words that are important, and then attempt to do that absolute minimum possible to comply with those defined rules.


Laodu teachs me to entertain guests not only have a meal these industry established practice, he still told story of a lot of industry to me, he is an oral expression the person that than him literal expression still is close friends, he also is clever and zenithal and tell the person that show extremely, he is very very much to my help, big, he also is us veteran group one of initiator, he or we are veteran the honorary edition of group of forum hunt heads and recruit edition advocate, he is worn with drive of his words and deeds all the time the travel before I am ceaseless.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
