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with the colours相关的网络例句

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与 with the colours 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To Connie, Clifford seemed to be coming out in his true colours: a little vulgar, a little common, and uninspired; rather fat. Ivy Bolton's tricks and humble bossiness were also only too transparent. But Connie did wonder at the genuine thrill which the woman got out of Clifford. To say she was in love with him would be putting it wrongly. She was thrilled by her contact with a man of the upper class, this titled gentleman, this author who could write books and poems, and whose photograph appeared in the illustrated newspapers.


At once on th' Eastern cliff of Paradise [ 275 ] He lights, and to his proper shape returns A Seraph wingd; six wings he wore, to shade His lineaments Divine; the pair that clad Each shoulder broad, came mantling o're his brest With regal Ornament; the middle pair [ 280 ] Girt like a Starrie Zone his waste, and round Skirted his loines and thighes with downie Gold And colours dipt in Heav'n; the third his feet Shaddowd from either heele with featherd maile Skie-tinctur'd grain.


Feng's path of creation started with an abundance of colours and arrives at a calm monotony, from a faithful representation to one riddled with suspicion, from a traditional realistic viewpoint to a modernistic realistic viewpoint, causing his recent art to contain a different cultural significance. However, this is where Feng has taken the initiative to adhere to the rational judgments and cultural criticisms of products in different situations.


Include: Of history of civilization of baleful and misinterpret China, China and historical historical fact; Baleful and misinterpret his country the history, do not respect what civilization and custom are used to human civilization, his country; Derogate in cold blood, evil of figure of the anybody in doing famous book of character of revolutionary cacique, hero, important history character, China and foreign countries and famous work; Ill will derogates people army, armed police, public security and judicatory figure; Have mistreat captive, inquisition by torture to extort a confession of the clue such as convict or guilty suspect; Expression violates guilty aggressive arrogance, specific reveal criminality detail, reveal special investigation shift, expose what ought to be protected to inform against the figure such as person, witness, audio; Advertise religious ultraism, instigate between each religion, denomination, the contradiction between be religious and masses of lack of faith and conflict, harm masses emotive; Advocate sees photograph, fortune-telling, see ghost of geomantic, augur, drive treat a disease those who wait for feudal superstition activity; With evil do means to depict heavy nature calamity, contingency, horrible incident, war to wait for catastrophic occasion; Specific show licentious, rape, incestuous, love cadaver, walk the street, go whoring, of the clue such as sexual allergy, masturbation; Of the detail such as means of process of expression or obscure performance sexual behavior, sex, sex and as associated as this overmuch body contact; Show intentionally, be masked with limbs only or cover position of human body privacy with very small pall; Contain sexual suggestion, sex to tease those who wait to make the person produces a gender to associate easily; Advocate extramarital love, much horn is loved, one-night standing, sex is mistreated and change wife wait for insalubrious content; In order to grow up the film, affection lubricious film, 3 class piece, pat secretly, expose one's body, dew point reachs all sorts of flirtation to sexual written language or picture regard video program as caption or be classified; Have intense of the clue such as excitant homicide, bloody, violent, suicide, kidnap, drug taking, gamble, clever different; Have picture of excessive fright bloodcurdling, caption, background music and sound effect; Specific show animal of cause sb's death by maltreating him, catch kill, edible country protects kind of animal; Contain those who encroach individual privacy content; With affirmative, favorable fundamental key or fetching me-too means expression fights other people of affray, shame, corrupt of character bawdry; The philosophy with inactive, decadent advocate, world outlook and viewpoint of value, unwisdom of sedulous apply colours to a drawing, exaggerated nation lags behind or of social the seamy side; The cutout of the program of movie and TV that total bureau of TV of national broadcast film prohibits travelling and film, teleplay reduces part; Violate relevant law, statute of spirit.


To investigate the effect of adding xanthophyll in diet on body colour of goldfish, six diets added with xanthophyll of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, or 300 mgkg^(-1) were prepared, and fed to goldfish with initial body mass of (7.8±0.3) g for 10 weeks. A colorimeter was chose to determine values of three primary colours of body color of goldfish.


It has abundand nutrition which is good for fish and water grass in the tank,has much natrral colours with all range of specification,also can supply with Shale Rock,Moire Stone,Waterwave stone,Karst,Liquescent Fertilizer,Lava,drift wood,Active Carbon and fossils.


They can be worn with a suit and tie or untucked and loosely buttoned with shorts. The best colours are white, pale blue or pale pink.


Its leader was most stunningly arrayed in the same colours, elaborated, however, with epaulets and a belt of silver, with a short sword dangling at one side.


Its leader was most stunningly arrayed in the same colours, elaborated, however, with epaulets and a belt of silver, with a short sword dangling at one side.


Complementary colours: In additive colour mixing, it is the colour required to mix with a primary colour to produce white, or in subtractive colour mixing, a colour re -quired to mix with a primary colour to produce black.


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Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
