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Charis {khar'-ece} from 5463; TDNT - 9:372,1298; n f AV - grace 130, favour 6, thanks 4, thank 4, thank + 2192 3, pleasure 2, misc 7; 156 1 grace 1a that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech 2 good will, loving-kindness, favour 2a of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues 3 what is due to grace 3a the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace 3b the token or proof of grace, benefit 3b1 a gift of grace 3b2 benefit, bounty 4 thanks,(for benefits, services, favours), recompense, reward
相关经文回前一页 5485 charis {khar'-ece}源自 5463; TDNT - 9:372,1298;阴性名词 AV - grace 130, favour 6, thanks 4, thank 4, thank + 2192 3, pleasure 2, misc 7; 156 1 恩典 1a 给予喜乐,愉快,欣喜,甜美,魅力,美好之言词上的恩典 2 善意,仁爱,恩惠 2a 指用其圣洁作用在众人的上帝使他们回转向基督、保守、坚固、加添他们对基督的信仰、认识、爱慕并激起他们操练基督徒美德的慈悲善行 3 起因於恩典之事物 3a 受神恩所掌管的人之灵性状况 3b 恩典的标记或证据,利益 3b1 恩典的礼物 3b2 利益,慷慨 4 感谢,(为利益,服务,恩惠),报酬,报答
Where the expiration date of the grace period precedes the statutory time limit for disclosing the annual financial statement of 2001 and if the company fails to disclose its 2001 annual financial statement prior to the expiration of the grace period, or it has disclosed the 2001 annual financial statement prior to the expiration of the grace period but fails to file an application within 5 working days after the expiration of the grace period, the stock exchange shall decide to terminate the listing of the stocks of the company within 10 working days after the expiration of the grace period.
As to the new theories about the kind of thing sacraments are, the canons[21] condemn those who say: that there are more or less than seven sacraments instituted by Christ our Lord--baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, penance, extreme unction, order, marriage--or that any one of these is not truly a sacrament in the full sense of the word; that these sacraments only differ from the sacraments of the Jewish dispensation as one ritual from another; that the sacraments are not a necessity of salvation, but that through faith alone, and without the sacraments at all, man can obtain from God the grace of Justification; that the sacraments were instituted for the purpose of nourishing only faith; that the sacraments do not contain and confer the grace which they signify--as though they were but outward signs of the grace or justice received through faith, badges of Christian profession that mark off the believer from the infidel; that the sacraments do not themselves confer grace by the very activity of the sacrament, but that only faith in the divine promises is sufficient to obtain grace; that all Christians have the power to administer all the sacraments; that any pastor of the Church can change the received and approved rites used by the Church in the solemn administration of the sacraments.
至於新的理论对这种事圣礼是,该炮[ 21 ]谴责那些谁说:有多於或少於7圣礼所建立基督我们的上帝-洗礼,确认,圣体,忏悔,临终,秩序,婚姻-或任何其中之一是没有一个真正的圣礼在充分意义上的;这些圣礼只有不同於圣礼犹太分配作为一个仪式从另一个;的圣礼没有必要救赎,但仅通过信仰,并没有在所有的事,男人可以得到上帝的恩典的理由;的圣礼被提起,目的是滋养只有信仰;的圣礼不包含并赋予它的恩典他们象徵-就像他们的迹象,但外向的恩典或司法收到通过信仰,徽章的基督教界人士说,马克从信徒从异教徒;的圣礼本身并不赋予宽限期的非常活动圣礼(当然opere operato ),但只有信仰的神圣承诺足以获得宽限期;所有基督教徒有权力来管理所有的圣礼;,任何教会牧师可以改变收到并批准使用的仪式在庄严的教堂行政管理圣礼。
All those whom God has predestinated to life, and those only, he is pleased, in his appointed and accepted time, effectually to call, Ro 8:30 11:7 Eph 1:10,11 by his word and Spirit, 2Th 2:13,14 2Co 3:3,6 out of that state of sin and death in which they are by nature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ; Ro 8:2 Eph 2:1-5 2Ti 1:9,10 enlightening their minds spiritually and savingly to understand the things of God; Ac 26:18 1Co 2:10,12 Eph 1:17,18 taking away their heart of stone, and giving to them an heart of flesh; Eze 36:26 renewing their wills, and by his almighty power determining them to that which is good; Eze 11:19 Php 2:13 De 30:6 Eze 36:27 and effectually drawing them to Jesus Christ; Eph 1:19 Joh 6:44,45 yet so as they come most freely, being made willing by his grace. So 1:4 Ps 110:3 Joh 6:37 Ro 6:16-18 2 This effectual call is of God's free and special grace alone, not from any thing at all foreseen in man; 2Ti 1:9 Tit 3:4,5 Eph 2:4,5,8,9 Ro 9:11 who is altogether passive in it, until, being made alive and renewed by the Holy Spirit, 1Co 2:14 Ro 8:7 Eph 2:5 he is enabled by it to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it.
2Jo 1:9-11 1Co 16:22 Ga 1:6-8 1 )所有的人对上帝有predestinated人生观,以及那些只,他很高兴,在他的任命,并接受了时间,有效地打电话,滚装8:30 11时07分弗1:10,11由他的文字和精神, 2th 2:13,14 2co 3:3,6出该国的罪恶和死亡的来信,他们都是本质上说,以恩典和救赎,由耶稣基督;滚装8:2弗2:1-5 2ti 1:9,10启发他们的头脑,在精神上和savingly了解事情的上帝;交流电26:18 1co 2:10,12弗1:17,18拿走他们铁石心肠,并给他们一个心脏的果肉;新教徒协会36:26自强不息他们的遗嘱,以自己的全能的能力决定他们说,这是个好;新教徒协会11时19分的PHP 2时13德30:6新教徒协会36:27 ,并有效地借鉴他们耶稣基督;弗1:19 joh 6:44,45然而,让他们来最自由,正在取得愿意由他的恩典,所以1:4的PS 110:3 joh 6时37滚装6:16-18 2 )本显效呼吁是上帝的自由和特别恩典单,而不是由任何事情在所有能预见在男子; 2ti 1时09山雀3:4,5厄2:4,5,8,9滚装9时11分,他们是完全处于被动,直到,正活着,并再次由圣灵1co 2时14滚装8时07弗2时05分,他是启用的,它要回答这个号召,并接受恩典提供,并转达了此事。
The Lord will never deny a soul glory to whom he has freely given to live upon his grace; indeed, glory is nothing more than grace in its Sabbath dress, grace in full bloom, grace like autumn fruit, mellow and perfected.
Hi Jill,a nice view of Grace of GOD.We can have a mind of possitive thinking if only we stay focused on the teachings of JESUS CHRIST.In HIS Infinite mercy HE has opened up the floodgates of Divine grace for total healing of ones whole being in whatever broken condition ,whether the mind,body or soul.The Saints were documented and known for having sufficient grace to perform miraculous cures over the centuries,even today many physicians and medical staff are bewildered by such healings encountered beyond medical technology.In all that is said,GODS Grace is good and sufficient for us all,Blessed be GOD forever!
The effect of bad check can be independent with its"bad"question.According to law,the drawer of bad check should undertake the bill duty,and still undertake civil and administrational even criminal law duty;the endorser of bad check should undertake the related bill duty with drawer,but should not undertake the related civil duty under the general situation;the payer of bad cheek should not undertake the certain payment duty in the bill law,and should refuse to pay money for the cause of transcending the contract duty;the holder of bad cheek should enjoy the right of bill and the right of asking for civil compensation.
The fifteenth chapter of this decree is directly concerned with Antinomian heresy, and condemns it in the following terms:"In opposition also to the cunning wits of certain men who, by good works and fair speeches, deceive the hearts of the innocent, it is to be maintained that the received grace of justification is lost not only by the infidelity, in which even faith itself if lost, but also by any other mortal sin soever, though faith be not lost; thereby defending the doctrine of the Divine law, which excludes from the King of God not only the unbelieving, but also the faithful who are fornicators, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetouss, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, and all others who commit deadly sins; from which, with the help of Divine grace, they are able to refrain and on account of which they are separate from the grace of Christ" Cap.
第十五章的这项法令是直接涉及antinomian异端,并谴责它在以下条款:"在反对,也狡猾的斗智斗勇,某些男性谁,好的作品和公平的发言,欺骗的心,无辜的,这是要维持该收到的恩典,理由是不仅失去由不忠,在其中,甚至信仰本身,如果失去了,而且还由任何其他致命的单仲偕soever ,虽然信仰不失去;从而捍卫教义神圣的法律,不包括从国王的上帝,不但不信,但也忠实谁是fornicators ,奸淫, effeminate ,滥用自己与人类,小偷, covetouss , drunkards , revilers , extortioners ,和所有其他谁犯下致命的捷联惯导系统;从哪个,借助神圣的恩典,他们能不和就交代他们是分开的恩典,基督"(第十五章,比照也上限。
Works done before the grace of Christ and the inspiration of His Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ, neither do they make men meet to receive grace, or deserve grace of congruity: yea, rather for that they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the nature of sin.
工程完成前的恩典基督和启示他的精神,不愉快的上帝, forasmuch因为他们没有春天的信念耶稣基督,也没有让他们满足男女接受的宽限期,或值得宽限期的一致性:酵母,而不是对他们不这样做作为上帝意志和指挥他们的工作要做,我们不怀疑,但他们的性质罪孽。
Works done before the grace of Christ, and the Inspiration of the Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ; neither do they make men meet to receive grace, or (as the School-authors say) deserve grace of congruity: yea rather, for that they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the nature of sin.
工程前所做的恩典基督和启示的精神,是不愉快的上帝, forasmuch作为他们春节没有信仰耶稣基督;他们也不让男人满足,以获得宽限期,或是值得的恩典一致性:推倒的,而是为他们没有这样做,因为神祂所意志和指挥他们要做,但我们并不怀疑,但它们有本质的罪过。
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Saved By Grace
- Grace
- Grace
- Bad
- Grace That Is Greater
- She Bad Bad
- I'm Bad
- Bad Bitch
- Stand On Grace
- Bad Man A Bad Man
- 推荐网络例句
He is the captain of the packet.
He gave up his study because of the illness.
Dietary guaiacol significantly (P<0.05) decreased contents of Ca and Sr, but significantly increased Mg content in shell.