英语人>网络例句>witchdoctor 相关的网络例句

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与 witchdoctor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This witchdoctor has the power to exorcise the devils that lodge in the heads of people who have been bewitched.


Although I do not feel that Olmec represents max. That role can be reserved for the Chieftain and the Witchdoctor.


The witchdoctor cursed him,his son and his grandson.


I want an institution that is more involved not only as a global policeman but as a global witchdoctor.


The counter-magic of the witchdoctor is unusual in its lack of ritual.


His very soul now bound to the Frozen Throne and the being that commands it, the Witchdoctor's black glamour now works to destroy the World Tree and all who would defend it.


Well I just think the WitchDoctor should be re-named, all classes that I can think of, in Diablo 1and 2, not to mention WoW (With the exception of Death Knight) all haveone-word names, I would like to see the Witch Doctor renamed to "Seer",it still fits with the class-type, just makes it sound cooler and wouldmake me want to play it more.


Nobody loves you when you're down and out [00:18.29]Nobody sees you when you're on cloud nine [00:26.92]Everybody's hustlin' for a buck and a dime [00:35.16]I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine [00:44.54]I've been across to the other side [00:52.89]I've shown you everything, i got nothing to hide [01:01.46]And still you ask me do i love you, what it is, what it is [01:11.71]All i can tell you is it's all show biz [01:19.34]All i can tell you is it's all show biz [01:32.64]Nobody loves you when you're down and out [01:41.31]Nobody knows you when you're on cloud nine [01:49.88]Everybody's hustlin' for a buck and a dime [01:58.67]I'll scratch your back and you knife mine [02:07.40]I've been across the water now so many times [02:16.16]I've seen the one eyed witchdoctor leading the blind [02:24.87]And still you ask me do i love you, what you say, what you say [02:33.11]Everytime i put my finger on it, it slips away [02:41.46]Everytime i put my finger on it, it slips away [03:26.88]Well i get up in the morning and i'm looking in the mirror to see, ooo wee!

当你落魄潦倒的时候,没有人爱你 [00:18.29] 当你是在云九上的时候,没有人看见你 [00:26.92] 每个人 hustlin'为一块钱和一个一角硬币我将擦你的背面和你擦伤的我的 [00:44.54] 我有是横过到另一边我有显示你每件事物的, i 什麽也不得到到兽皮我做 i 的你问和剧照爱你,它是什么,它是什么所有的 i 能告诉你的是它所有的是演艺事业所有的 i 能告诉你的是它所有的是演艺事业 [01:32.64] 当你落魄潦倒的时候,没有人爱你 [01:41.31] 当你是在云九上的时候,没有人认识你 [01:49.88] 每个人 hustlin'为一块钱和一个一角硬币我将擦你的背面和你刀的我的 [02:07.40] 我有是横过水现在如此许多次 [02:16.16] 我有看眼的 witchdoctor 领先盲人我做 i 的你问和剧照爱你,你说的事情,你说什么 Everytime i 把我的手指放在~上它,它滑倒离开 Everytime i 把我的手指放在~上它,它滑倒离开好的 i 在早晨起床的和我正在顺便探访镜子看见, ooo 很小的!

The Witchdoctor plans to selflessly sacrifice himself; while his wife resents this for her own needs. The chieftain has lost a daughter, akin to losing Sarah, and is cynical and world weary about her death; still there is obvious hope that she could remain.


Prince Naveen: I was cursed by a dastardly witchdoctor. One minute I'm a prince, charming and handsome, cutting therug, and the next minute - woah!


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Witchdoctor Woman

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
