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与 wit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The test result shows that the mechanical properties of the dual-phase structure are much higher than those of ferritic plus pearlitic structures, that the dual-phase structure is of better corrosion resistance in some cases for Ca_2 has corrosion-moderating effects, and that hot-rolling dual-phase structure of the low-carbon Mn-Si steel wit...


So the aims pithily described in Drabble's preface ("accuracy and authority with wit and independence") have given way to more democratic impulses:"fresh" and "diverse" are now key words.


It tries to and should mix and fuse poetry and prose, inspirition and criticism, the poetry of art and the poetry of nature; and make poetry lively and sociable, and life and society poetical; poeticize wit and fill and saturate the forms of art with every kind of good, solid matter for instruction, and animate them with the pulsations of humor.


With a new proleague format coming along soon this thread will be completely up to date the moment the final word is given, so you can bring yourself up to date wit ease. Post all your Proleague questions in this thread.


The satisfactory result is achieved by the classification recode method, fusion analysis for geographical information wit...


To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their


Gravi ty and reentrainment were identified to be the main concerns. A simple reformati on of the ash hopper could be made to increase the ash separation efficiency wit h the addition of special devices.


The working principle of a novel short st roke linear DC motor wit h permanent magnet s is presented. Mixed digital - analog cont rol approach based on DSP ( TMS320L F2407A) is proposed. Displacement detecting and cont rol technique are discussed. Displacement detecting circuit s , digital - to - analog converter (DAC7641) expanded circuit s and cont rol software are given.

阐述了一种新研制的短行程永磁直流直线电机的工作原理,提出了基于DSP ( TMS320L F2407A)的短行程直流直线电机数、模混合伺服控制系统方案,重点对直线电机的位置检测及控制技术进行了研究,给出了DSP 控制器的位置检测接口电路、16 位双极性数模转换器(DAC7641)的扩展电路和控制软件的实现方法。

2And in a best-selling book,Lester Thurowtold us t hat America would soon be going head tohead wit h a Germanled Europe in t he st ruggle forworld market s.


He rus h ed to t h e woman wit h a sword.


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Loco Wit The Cake
Rock Wit U
Bone 2 Pic (Wit U)
Rock Wit U (Awww Baby)
Rock Wit U (Awww Baby) (Remix)
Who Wit' Me?
Who You Slidin' Wit'
Off Wit His Head
Iz They Wildin' Wit' Us & Getting' Rowdy Wit' Us
Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
