英语人>网络例句>wit 相关的网络例句
与 wit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So the aims pithily described in Drabble's preface ("accuracy and authority with wit and independence") have given way to more democratic impulses:"fresh" and "diverse" are now key words.


Painter, draughtsman, etcher, watercolorist and interior designer, Whistler was renowned as much for his wit, style and elegance as he was for his work.


You'll drive me out of my wit if you go on behave in this way.


Is this just another example of his droll wit?


If I had the power to give humor to the nation I would not give them drollery, for that is impractical; I would not give them wit, for that is aristocratic, and many minds cannot grasp it; but I would be contented to deal out fun, which has no intellectual element, no subtlety, belongs to old and young, educated and uneducated alike, and is the natural form of the humor of the Englishman.


If I had the power to give humour to the na-tions I would not give them drollery,for that isimpractical;I would not give them wit,for that isaristocratic,and many minds cannot grasp it;but Iwould be contented to deal out fun,which has nointellectual element,no subtlety,belongs to oldand young,educated and uneducated alike,and isthe natural form of the humour of the Englishman.


According to the Encarta English Dictionary (2009), 'satire' is the use of wit, especially irony, sarcasm, and ridicule, to criticize faults.


Diffuse ence-phalatrophy (42 cases), encephalomalacia focus (24 cases) porencephaly (9 cases), and localized ence-phalatrophy (7 cases) ect are the common CT morphological changes in the patients wit...

脑白质髓鞘形成延迟(14例)是主要的MRI形态学异常。结论 CT和MRI检查对小儿脑瘫的病因学诊断有重要价值,两者结合可提高诊断符合率。

Wit is the epitaph of an emotion.


Once erased, an EPROM can be reprogrammed wit h the help of a device programmer.


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Loco Wit The Cake
Rock Wit U
Bone 2 Pic (Wit U)
Rock Wit U (Awww Baby)
Rock Wit U (Awww Baby) (Remix)
Who Wit' Me?
Who You Slidin' Wit'
Off Wit His Head
Iz They Wildin' Wit' Us & Getting' Rowdy Wit' Us
Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
