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与 wisdom-working 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is courage the world needs, not infallibility; courage is always the surest wisdom.


We lack wisdom. We are still infirm.


Still, you insist on sincerity of heart; in my inmost being teach me wisdom.


INQUISITOR: Giving us the benefit of your supreme wisdom, how do you interpret these words of your uncle?


The following four utterances of Yahweh illustrate the inscrutableness, already touched upon by Eliu, of the Divine wisdom by dwelling upon the wonders of inanimate nature (xxxviii, 1-38), of the animal world (xxxviii, 39-xxxix), and especially by referring to the great monsters of the animal world, the hippopotamus and the crocodile (xl, 10-xli).

以下四个言论耶和华说明inscrutableness ,已经触及了Eliu ,在神圣智慧的住宅后,无生命的自然奇观(三十八, 1-38 ),动物世界(三十八, 39 XXXIX )号决议,特别是提到的伟大怪物的动物世界,河马和鳄鱼(仪, 10 - XLI )号决议。

The ancient wisdom of the East and the West constantly teaches us the lesson of the inseparability and the interdependence of the individual and the group.


It is said that the Five Mountains comes back not looking at a mountain , think that I grow up stepping off that one piece of small basin hometown, think that I Deng Shang "am able to pawn a mausoleum extremely " Tarzan,"as soon as take numerous small mountain" Mount Huangshan into self's arms, still have that "nine eighteen wrong curved " Wu Yi Shan City , answer that Weng Shan , mountain be still that mountain going beyond the limit looking at after one's death again, being only this moment mountain already looks like one advanced old monarch attaining the wisdom, His posture trying to be higher than God cannot but let me sigh with regret , lament on my insignificancy with sighs , lament on my ignorance with sighs.


And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?

13:54 来到自己的家乡,在会堂里教训人,甚至他们都希奇,说:这人从那里有这等智慧和异能呢?

You can't pay cash for wisdom. It's only available on the installment plan.


It sums up the theoretical and practical wisdom of all ages and nations in a universally intelligible language.


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Words Of Wisdom
Conventional Wisdom
Words Of Wisdom
Wisdom Of The Ages
Words Of Wisdom
Crazy Wisdom
Wisdom Teeth
Strength, Courage & Wisdom
Wisdom, Justice And Love

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
