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与 widespread 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Newcastle disease in poultry, cholera in cattle and hogs, and scrapie in sheep have largely controlled in most countries as a result of widespread vaccination programs.


Once widespread in coastal waters throughout the eastern Pacific Ocean, sea otter populations have declined dramatically in recent years, possibly because of predation or poaching.


Along with science's and technology's development, the licorice use is getting more and more widespread, raw material purification becomes the licorice frost, the liquorice extract, besides have the medicine to affect, moves in the ink or the pigment, may cause the dyeing to be even, may use for to make the fire-extinguishing the foaming agent and the petroleum drilling fluid stabilizer, makes the candy, the cigarette and the medical industry seasoner.


The improvement of the equilibrium exchange rate model lies in, first a more widespread aggregation of economic variables is contained, second the structure variation is considered, third the new data from the 1st quarter of 1990 to the 2nd quarter of 2005 are used to estimate the model.


Bear Stearns shares also fell as much as 14 per cent on widespread rumours that the investment bank – a big underwriter of mortgage-backed securities – could be facing a liquidity crisis.


Solar collectors for the selective absorption of high-coating the introduction of Germany technology into the market, this new type of titanium-based and quartz-blue coating, a one-time use of ionizing coating process, as opposed to the widespread use of The black chrome plating and black nickel coating, in terms of performance on an unparalleled advantage.


In here, missionaries builtchurches and recruited believers, made widespread connections with Suiyuan society throughcommon customs, such as managing land, organizing self-defensive corps, building schools andhospitals.


The group company carries forward the corporate spirit of "devoted to your job, self-forgetful for your dedication, dare to explore, and fight for the first grade" long years and the business tenet of "Doing a project, building good reputation and developing a market" to get to further exploration and continuous progress. It has successively undertaken the widespread big and highly difficult engineering projects, such as the foundation project of Nanjing Tairun real estate development Co.,Ltd., the installation project of Beijing Wangfujin Mansion with an area of 100,000 m2,the construction project of Liyang Jinhui Plaza(the 1st 5-star hotel in Liyang), the installation project of Beijing Oriental Plaza, the steel frame installation project of Xiaoshan International Airport, Wuxi North-City Sewage Water Treatment Factory project, the machinery and electrical equipment installation project of Beijing Century Fortune Center, the LDPE factory construction project of Germany BASF company, the first section project of Baotou Tianci Rare Earth Co.,Ltd., the lifting and installing project of 600T 189.9M shipbuilding gantry crane of Dalian Xinchuan Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd., the elevator installation project of China Sci-tech Auditorium, the 220T/H boiler dismantlement and installation project of Anhui Chloro-Alkali Chemical Group Co.,Ltd., the boiler installation project of Wujin Steel Company and the pipeline installation project for leading Yellow River to Shanxi Province , the machinery and electrical equipment installation project of Wuxi P.E. Center Swimming Stadium. The company won tens of national, provincial and municipal-level good quality projects, and meanwhile got better economic and social benefits.

多年来,集团公司以"忠于职守,无私奉献,勇于开拓,争创一流"的企业精神,以"承一项工程,树一片信誉,辟一方市场"的经营宗旨,积极开拓,不断进取,先后承接了南京泰润房地产开发有限公司桩基工程,10万平方米北京王府井大厦机电安装工程,溧阳市锦汇商业广场建设工程,北京东方广场安装工程,浙江萧山国际机场钢结构安装工程,无锡城北污水处理厂工程,13万平方米北京世纪财富中心机电设备安装工程,德国投资巴斯夫LDPE建厂工程,浙江嘉兴嘉爱斯热电有限公司热网工程,包头天赐稀土东阿工业园区一期工程,南京黑色金属公司综合楼工程,大连新船重工有限责任公司600吨 189.9米造船龙门式起重机工程,中国科技会堂电梯安装工程,安徽氯碱化工集团220T/H锅炉汽机拆装工程,武钢中天240T/H锅炉安装工程,无锡市体育中心游泳馆机电安装工程,山西引黄管道安装工程等一大批远近闻名的重大工程和高难度工程,获得了几十项国家级、省市级优质工程奖和省市级文明工地称号,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。

Results:(1)NSCs form typical neurospheres under adequate concentration in vitro, which are immunoreactive to Vimentin. Typically and terminally differentiated mature neural cells could not be found without the stimulus of mitogen or only under NSCs self-regulation and self-induction;(2)NSCs derived from hippocampus maintain the character of stem cells much longer with better biological behavior; NSCs passed to the 2-3 passage are the best to graft since they have not differentiated;(3)NSCs cultured in vitro could self-regulate and differentiate into neurospheres and progenitors positively immunoreactive to specific antibodies representing neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells;(4)There are widespread synaptic contacts between various kinds of descendent clones and cells;(5)Neurospheres could be formed without the stimulus of mitogen when NSCs and OECs are cocultured. Many neurospheres and cells immunoreactive to Vimentin, GFAP, MAP2, 02, p75NGFR, GFAP, S-100, Synaptosis, Vimentin, Tau (Tau is only positive in cocultureof HNSCs+HOECs) could be found;(6)The supernatant fluid triturated from adult rat spinal cord stimulates NSCs to differentiate into neurons, but do not terminally differentiate;(7)Fibroblasts and O4 oligodendrocytes are not supported to grow under this culture medium.Part II: Isolation, culture and identification of rat and human olfactory ensheathing cellsOlfactory ensheathing cells/glials are the most powerful cells to enable the regeneration of axons in the central nervous system.


The survey didn't ask people why they cheat, but ethicists said widespread worries about cheating and the sense that cheating has become more common in romance and other areas could create a self-perpetuating problem.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
