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与 widespread 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hinduism is widespread in India and almost 80% of the people follow Hinduism as their religion.

印度教在印度很普遍,几乎80 %的人遵循印度教作为他们的宗教活动。

On February 16,2005,their first debut album, Silent Alarm was formally released by Atlantic and Vice Record Company in the market of the United States. It won a widespread acclaims and succeeded to step into the top three of British album hit parade.


It won a widespread acclaims and succeeded to step into the top three of British album hit parade. At the same year, Bloc Party band was invited into NME Music Award Tour held by NME,which is a British famous rock magazine.


Feature film Nuoke Te glass the most advanced high insulation explosion-proof membrane Houri (Chinese name: Tiger wing), one year after a series of strict Quality testing, which demonstrated the high performance, quality and stability of widespread recognition and the user's favor, and passed the rigorous test of the market. Shenzhen-Auto Accessories Co., Ltd.

深圳市通大汽车用品有限公司引进的全球最大的玻璃功能膜生产商美国CPFilms Inc(美国首诺科特玻璃功能膜公司)最先进的高隔热防爆膜Houri,经过一年时间的系列严格质量检验,其所表现出来的高性能,高品质和稳定性深受广大用户的肯定和青睐,并顺利通过了市场的严酷考验。

All this widespread culture of the wealthy householder is to the credit of the early Roman Empire.


BusinessPark as a more widespread use of foreign technology park a model is to humanize development office property types.


However, with hyperinflation and other economic ills, widespread corruption, the KMT continued to lose popular support.


There is really only one markup language in widespread use on the web (in other words, 99% of all web pages use this language), and that is HyperText Markup Language, or HTML.


I was told that there is a topic widespread on the internet these days.It is a hypnogenesis record, saying that you can even see your preexistence.


The victory of this theology over iconoclasm led to the widespread use of iconography in the Christian East and also inspired great painters - most of whom remain anonymous - in producing works of art that possess spiritual as well as artistic value.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
