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与 widespread 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fact that the eating of soil is also widespread in the animal kingdom suggests that geophagy may even be a natural process.


As one kind of sensors, geophone is widespread used on oil, geology detection and engineering survey.


15Sea level was significantly lower during periods of widespread glaciation.


Glaser says the widespread presence of pottery confirms the soil's human origins.

Glaster 说陶器大范围的存在证实了这些土壤的人类来源。

Tuber formosanum is an endemic truffle and symbiosed on Cycobalanopsis glauca of Taiwan. Tuber indicum is a widespread truffle species in Yuannan and Szchuan province in China. The external morphology and gleba of ascocarps are very similar to T. formosanum and T. indicum.


The air current water extractor is gluten flour produces the widespread application drying apparatus.

中文摘 要:气流干燥器是谷朊粉生产广泛应用干燥装置。

One of the most widespread native plants in North Dakota, Canada goldenrod occurs throughout much of North America, at elevations under 9,000 ft.


The widespread perception is that the GOSS is corrupt, especially at the lower levels.


The British tax money that I have mentioned could have been used for a better purpose, but instead it is being spent on the security forces in Somalia, which Amnesty International, as well as Channel 4, accuses of widespread abuses of human rights—of torture, murder, disappearances, kidnapping, extortion and grand larceny.


Although most scientists regard graphology as a pseudoscience, its practice is widespread in Europe.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
