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与 white-hall 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers white, creamy-white, or purplish, large, 2-2.5 cm in diam., fragrant; pedicels usually purplish, nitid, subequaling or exceeding leaves at anthesis, glabrous, 2-bracteolate above middle; bracteoles linear or linear-lanceolate, margin very remotely and minutely denticulate.


Under different initial total egg white lysozyme concentrations in urea solution, the refolding egg white lysozyme intermediates could be deduced to have a tendency to form a bimolecular intermediate aggregate, and this inference was further confirmed by their nonreducing SDS-PAGE and size exclusion chromatography.


Results Complications of deep white candidiasis infection inside the hospital mostly took place among patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, malignant tumors and nosohemia,accounting for 59.09%.Infection was in direct proportion with the length of hospitalization.The chief factor leading to infection was the long-term use in large doses of wide-spectrum antibiotics,especially the use of the third-period cephalosporins,which are wide in spectrum and strong in killing bacteria.White candidiasis infection results from the composite action of multiple dangerous factors. Ofthose infected,40.91%used hormone and 11.36% used immunosuppressive agents as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The application of trauma examination and curing also created conditions for the occurrence of infection.

结果 发生医院内部白色念珠菌感染多系慢性呼吸系统疾病、恶性肿瘤和血液病患者,占59.09%;感染与住院时间成正比;广谱抗生素大剂量、长时间应用,特别是选择广谱、杀菌力强的第三代头狍菌素类是致感染的主要因素;白色念珠菌感染是多种危险因素综合作用的结果,感染者使用激素的占40.91%,使用免疫抑制剂及放疗化疗的占11.36%,实施插入性操作及各种介入性治疗为感染创造了条件。

White lotus , Egyptian water lily , white lily , Nymphaea lotus

lotus:莲花汽车标志 lotus 莲花莲花是著名汽车品牌。

White lotus , Egyptian water lily , white lily , Nymphaea lotus


It should be noted that most Odinists reject white supremacism and white supremacists make up only a small fraction of those who believe in Odinism.

有一点要注意,大多数 Odinists 均否定白人优越主义的,而在信 Odinism 的人当中,白人优越主义者只占很少部份。

The white supremacist version of Odinism has little to do with Christian Identity, but there is one key similarity: their version of Odinism provides dualism - as does Christian Identity - with regard to the universe being composed of 'worlds of light' and 'worlds of dark'(non-white people).

Odinism 的白人优越主义版没有与基督徒身份教派扯上关系,但是这里有一个主要共同之处:他们的 Odinism 版本提供了二元论-正如基督徒身份教派一样-於这宇宙,它是由「光明世界」和「黑暗世界」组成的。

A mispairing PCR-RFLP technique was applied in this study to determine the Insulin-like Growth Factor 2(IGF2) gene intron3 G3072A mutation in an outbred Landrace and Large White, and the gelded boars from Landrace×Large White cross. The difference of corresponding traits and the genetic effects of the boars inherited from parental A allele and inherited from parental G allele were analyzed.


For every 4 overbeaten whites, you can try whipping in about 3/4 of 1 egg white, stir unbeaten white in a bowl, then spoon some into the overwhipped whites and beat again, carefully, for 20 to 30 seconds.


Perianth white-green or yellow-white; rachis of panicle papilliferous.


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The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
